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Policy Compendium

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5 - Policies Regarding COMMUNICATION

3. "(...)

e) [The World Heritage Committee will] promote World Heritage through communication, education, research, training and public awareness strategies."

Theme: 5.1 - Education and awareness-raising
Source: WHC-02/CONF.202/5 The Budapest Declaration on World Heritage
5 - Policies Regarding COMMUNICATION

Paragraph 217

“States Parties are encouraged to raise awareness of the need to preserve World Heritage. In particular, they should ensure that World Heritage status is adequately marked and promoted on-site”.

Theme: 5.1 - Education and awareness-raising
Source: OG Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention (WHC.19/01 - 10 July 2019)
5 - Policies Regarding COMMUNICATION

Paragraph 219

“The World Heritage Committee encourages and supports the development of educational materials, activities and programmes.”

Theme: 5.1 - Education and awareness-raising
Source: OG Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention (WHC.19/01 - 10 July 2019)
5 - Policies Regarding COMMUNICATION
[The General Assembly adopted the Vision and Action Plan by Resolution 18 GA 11; the paragraph refers to the report]

9. "(…) Conservation and communication are complementary tasks. For World Heritage, increased awareness and knowledge of World Heritage objectives can increase commitment to conserve, engage with and support cultural and natural heritage sites (…)."
Theme: 5.1 - Education and awareness-raising
Source: WHC-11/18.GA/11 Future of the World Heritage Convention
5 - Policies Regarding COMMUNICATION
Synthesis based on relevant Committee decisions

At site-level, the World Heritage Committee encourages States Parties to organize awareness-raising activities for local population and surrounding communities, to mobilize their active participation in heritage conservation and management (based on Case law further to decisions on the State of Conservation).
Theme: 5.1 - Education and awareness-raising
See for examples Decisions:  36 COM 7B.64 36 COM 7B.61 36 COM 7B.17
5 - Policies Regarding COMMUNICATION

Annex 5

“[World Heritage site] should consider visitor facilities that may include interpretation/explanation (signage, trails, notices or publications, guides); museum/exhibition devoted to the property, visitor or interpretation centre; and/or potential use of digital technologies."

Theme: 5.2 - Interpretation
Source: OG Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention (WHC.19/01 - 10 July 2019)
5 - Policies Regarding COMMUNICATION
Synthesis based on relevant Committee decisions

The World Heritage Committee recommends to develop a comprehensive site presentation and interpretation programme for visitors (based on Case law on decisions on the State of Conservation).
Theme: 5.2 - Interpretation
See for examples Decisions:  31 COM 7B.84 33 COM 7B.131 35 COM 7B.77 40 COM 7B.30
5 - Policies Regarding COMMUNICATION

Paragraph 264

“The Emblem (…) has fund-raising potential that can be used to enhance the marketing value of products with which it is associated. A balance is needed between the Emblem's use to further the aims of the Convention and optimize knowledge of the Convention worldwide and the need to prevent its abuse for inaccurate, inappropriate, and unauthorized commercial or other purposes.”
Theme: 5.3 - World Heritage emblem
Source: OG Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention (WHC.19/01 - 10 July 2019)
5 - Policies Regarding COMMUNICATION

Paragraph 267

“States Parties to the Convention should take all possible measures to prevent the use of the Emblem in their respective countries by any group or for any purpose not explicitly recognized by the Committee. States Parties are encouraged to make full use of national legislation including Trade Mark Laws”.

Theme: 5.3 - World Heritage emblem
Source: OG Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention (WHC.19/01 - 10 July 2019)
1 - General Policies Regarding the World Heritage Convention
1.1 - Fundamental World Heritage policies

Paragraph 26

"The current Strategic Objectives (also referred to as “the 5 Cs”) are the following:

1. Strengthen the Credibility of the World Heritage List:
2. Ensure the effective Conservation of World Heritage Properties;
3. Promote the development of effective Capacity-building in States Parties:
4. Increase public awareness, involvement and support for World Heritage through Communication;
5. Enhance the role of Communities in the implementation of the World Heritage Convention."
Theme: 1.1.1 - General
Source: OG Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention (WHC.19/01 - 10 July 2019)
3 - Policies Regarding CONSERVATION of World Heritage Properties
3.5 - Factors affecting properties

11. “The potential impacts of Climate Change range from physical, to social and cultural aspects. (…). Experience and lessons learned on addressing Climate Change impacts stress the need for using a number of management responses at national and local levels. The World Heritage Convention provides an opportunity to develop strategies to implement relevant actions in respect of cultural and natural heritage properties threatened by Climate Change. Given the complexity of this issue, States Parties may request guidance from the World Heritage Committee to implement appropriate management responses to face the threats posed by Climate Change on their natural and cultural properties inscribed on the World Heritage List”.

13. “Conservation is the management of change, and Climate Change is one of the most significant global challenges facing society and the environment today. The actions that need to be taken to safeguard heritage are threefold:

  • Preventive actions: monitoring, reporting and mitigation of Climate Change effects through environmentally sound choices and decisions at a range of levels: individual, community, institutional and corporate.

  • Corrective actions: adaptation to the reality of Climate Change through global and regional strategies and local management plans.

  • Sharing knowledge: including best practices, research, communication, public and political support, education and training, capacity building, networking, etc.”

15. “It is noteworthy that there are strong links between natural and cultural heritage and the Climate Change issue could be used as an opportunity for the two parts of the Convention to be brought closer together”.

16. “(…) Climate Change is one risk among a number of challenges facing World Heritage sites. This threat should be considered in the broader context of the conservation of these sites”.

Theme: 3.5.10 - Climate change and severe weather events
Source: A Strategy to Assist States Parties to Implement Appropriate Management Responses
Threats:  Changes to oceanic waters Desertification Drought Flooding Other climate change impacts Storms Temperature change
6 - Policies Regarding COMMUNITIES

5. "[The World Heritage Committee] decides to maintain credibility, conservation, capacity building and communication as strategic objectives in the implementation of the Convention whilst restating the different components and, recognizing the critical importance of involving indigenous, traditional and local communities in the implementation of the Convention, further decides to add ‘communities’ as a fifth strategic objective."

Theme: 6.1 - Participation of local communities and other stakeholders
Decision: 31 COM 13A

The World Heritage Policy Compendium was elaborated thanks to the generous contribution of the Government of Australia.

The World Heritage Policy Compendium On-line tool was developed thanks to the generous contribution of the Government of Korea.

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