WHC/4/15                                            20 February, 1996

     Subject: Interregional project Young People's
              Participation in World Heritage Preservation and


     Knowing that your country strongly supports the idea of
World Heritage preservation through education, we are delighted
to invite you to take part in the Interregional project Young
People's Participation in World Heritage Preservation and

     We hope that you enjoyed reading the report of the first
World Heritage Youth Forum, held in Norway last summer. Following
the successful outcome of this Forum and the pilot project, the
UNESCO General Conference at its 28th session welcomed the
continuation of this project within the Medium Term Strategy for
1996-2001. It was presented in the 28 C/5 under Major Programme
III, paragraph 03111.

     The main objectives of the Project are:

a/   to sensitize young people to the importance of the World
     Heritage Convention, and to enlist their active
     participation in preserving and promoting the cultural and
     natural sites included in UNESCO' s World Heritage List.

b/   to initiate and/or reinforce teaching and activities on the
     World Heritage Convention and the listed sites.

c/   to produce a multi-media educational kit for international

     As part of the project, the Education Sector and the World
Heritage Centre, jointly with the Croatian National Commission,
are organizing a first European World Heritage Youth Forum
("Mini-Bergen I") in Dubrovnik from 25 to 31 May for a selected
number of countries.

     Students and teachers going to Dubrovnik will have the
opportunity to share the experiences, gained from working on
World Heritage in their schools.

     The project as a whole is explained in the attached Project
Description. The enclosed ASP Bulletin from Croatia may also give
you an idea about the project. Hoping that you would like to
join, we would very much appreciate receiving a reply at your
earliest convenience, preferably before 30 March. A contract to
that effect would thereupon be immediately sent to you.

     We would appreciate receiving by 15 April a workplan and
possibly the names of the participants to the "Mini-Bergen I".
An amount of US $2,000 is intended to help cover the fares of two
students and one teacher to Dubrovnik, and perhaps some other
costs for the implementation of the project. Please note that the
languages of the Forum are English, French and Croatian.

     In the annex you will find suggestions for the material that
we would like the participants to bring to Dubrovnik. While all
of it is important, we would like to particularly underline the
poster, as the organizers have foreseen a public exhibition of
the posters coming from all the participating countries.

     For any further information or assistance regarding this
project, please do not hesitate to contact Elizabeth Khawajkie
of the Education Sector, Breda Pavlic or Maria Perers at the
World Heritage Centre.

     Looking forward to hearing from you, we send in the meantime

our best regards.

Yours sincerely,

[signed]                             [signed]
Bernd von Droste                     Kaisa Savolainen
Director                             Director
World Heritage Centre                Section for Humanistic,
                                     Cultural and
                                     International Education

To :    National Commissions for UNESCO invited to participate
        in the interregional youth project on World Heritage

Annex:  Suggested preparations for "Mini-Bergen I"
        Project Description
        ASP Bulletin from Croatia

cc :    Permanent Delegations to UNESCO

                          Suggested preparations
                    for participants of "Mini-Bergen I"

Materials to bring to Dubrovnik:

*    Any educational material already prepared or in the process
     of being developed.

*    A poster (approximately 70 x 100 cm), perhaps the result of
     a contest, on the theme:

     "Heritage brings the world together"

*    Display material, such as artefacts, photos, posters,
     publications, on World Heritage sites in your country, to
     exhibit in a shop window on the main street of Dubrovnik.
     Possibly also some traditional products (e.g. sweets, figs,
     nuts etc.) for people to taste.

*    National costume and perhaps tapes of local music.

*    Camera, for those who would like to join a photo workshop.
