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World Heritage Convention

227 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Year start: 2014close
Year end: 2014close
Session: 38COM 2014close
By Year
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC-14/38.COM/7A, Recalling Decision 37 COM 7A.29, adopted at its 37th session (Phnom Penh, 2013); Acknowledges the efforts made by the State Party in the implementation of the corrective measures adopted at its 31st session (Christchurch, 2007) and urges it to sustain these efforts to work on all corrective measures identified; Reiterates its request to the State Party to adopt the detailed topographic map of the property produced in 2012, and finalise the buffer zone, and to submit a proposal for a minor boundary modification, ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC-14/38.COM/7A, Recalling Decision 37 COM 7A.30, adopted at its 37th session (Phnom Penh, 2013), Commends the progress made by the State Party on the implementation of the corrective measures, notably the conservation efforts at the Buddha niches and other component parts of the property, including Shahr-i-Gholghola and others, and efforts to mitigate the development pressure; Takes note of the continued concern expressed by the State Party on the critical condition of the large Western Buddha niche; also takes note of the ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC-14/38.COM/7A, Recalling Decision 37 COM 7A.32, adopted at its 37th session (Phnom Penh, 2013), Welcomes the progress in the implementation of the conservation programme plan for Gelati Monastery; Notes that the State Party submitted on 1 February 2014 a request for a Major Boundary Modification for the property, further to the request of the Committee; Decides to retain the Bagrati Cathedral and Gelati Monastery (Georgia) on the List of World Heritage in ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC-14/38.COM/7A, Recalling Decisions 34 COM 7A.27, 35 COM 7A.30, 36 COM 7A.31 and 37 COM 7A.33 adopted at its 34th (Brasilia, 2010), 35th (UNESCO, 2011), 36th (Saint-Petersburg, 2012) and 37th (Phnom Penh, 2013) sessions respectively, Acknowledges the detailed information provided by the State Party on the progress made to implement the corrective measures and urges the State Party to finalise its work on all the corrective measures adopted at its 34th session (Brasilia, 2010) by the end of 2014, including to submit to the World ...
The World Heritage Committee, Decides to adjourn the debate on this agenda item until its next ordinary session.
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC-14/38.COM/7A, Recalling Decisions 36 COM 7B.93 and 37 COM 7A.35, adopted at its 36th (Saint-Petersburg, 2012) and 37th (Phnom Penh, 2013) sessions respectively, Also recalling the results of the joint World Heritage Centre/ICOMOS reactive monitoring mission of November 2011, Reiterates its serious concern over the potential threat of the Liverpool Waters development scheme on the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of the property, and notes that the implementation of the development, as currently planned, would irreversibly ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC-14/38.COM/7A.Add, Recalling Decision 37 COM 7A.36 adopted at its 37th session (Phnom Penh, 2013), Appreciates the efforts made by the State Party to fund and organize the advisory mission conducted in 2014 and encourages it to implement the recommendations contained in the mission report; Welcomes the development and adoption of the Emergency Plan for the property and urges the State Party to secure the necessary resources to commence the immediate implementation of the identified priority conservation and stabilisation ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC-14/38.COM/7A; Recalling Decision 37 COM 7A.37 adopted at its 37th session (Phnom Penh, 2013), Commends the State Party for efforts made in the implementation of the corrective measures for the property and encourages it to sustain these efforts to ensure that the Desired state of conservation for the property is met within the established timeframe; Urges the State Party to conclude the planning process for the formulation of the management plan and the comprehensive conservation plan and requests it to provide an electronic ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC-14/38.COM/7A, Recalling Decision 37 COM 7A.38 adopted at its 37th session (Phnom Penh, 2013), Commends the State Party for its long-term commitment and efforts to address the deterioration of the earthen architecture remains of the property and to put in place a sustainable and operational management system to continue to handle decay factors and threats; Considers that the State Party has made considerable progress in meeting the Desired state of conservation for the removal of the property from the List of World Heritage ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC-14/38.COM/7A.Add, Recalling Decision 37 COM 7A.39 adopted at its 37th session (Phnom Penh, 2013), Welcomes the efforts made by the State Party in addressing the state of conservation of the property and progress on implementation of recommendations made by the World Heritage Committee and the monitoring missions to the property; Takes note of the submission of the revised cartography for the component parts of the property and proposed buffer zone and requests that it be finalized within the framework of the retrospective ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC-14/38.COM/7A.Add, Recalling Decision 37 COM 7A.19, adopted at its 37th session (Phnom Penh, 2013,) Congratulates the State Party for having accomplished significant progress enabling the commencement of the reconstruction of the mausoleums on 14 March 2014; Notes with satisfaction the preparation of a restoration and reconstruction strategy for damaged cultural heritage in northern Mali detailing the reconstruction method for the destroyed mausoleums, and appreciates the place accorded to the role of the communities, the ...
Sites: Timbuktu
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC-14/38.COM/7A.Add, Recalling Decision 37 COM 7A.20, adopted at its 37th session (Phnom Penh, 2013), Commends the State Party for having organized the joint UNESCO/Mali mission of 11 February 2014, despite difficult security conditions; Notes with satisfaction the preparation of a rehabilitation and reconstruction strategy for the damaged cultural heritage of North Mali, that includes the rehabilitation of the Tomb of Askia; Requests the State Party to undertake the necessary actions to enable the urgent detailed ...
Sites: Tomb of Askia
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC-14/38.COM/7A.Add, Recalling Decision 37 COM 7A.21 adopted at its 37th session (Phnom Penh, 2013), Welcomes the continuing commitment of the State Party to pursue the reconstruction of the Muzibu Azaala Mpanga and the restoration of the wider property; Expresses concern that detailed information on the planned work, and timelines for the reconstruction of the Muzibu Azaala Mpanga have still not been provided, even though work on the supportive framework for the building has been undertaken; Requests the State Party to ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC-14/38.COM/7A, Recalling Decision 37 COM 7A.22, adopted at its 37th session (Phnom Penh, 2013), Commends the efforts made by the State Party in the implementation of the corrective measures; Considers that the State Party has made considerable progress in meeting the Desired state of conservation for the removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger; Notes however that several actions are currently in planning stages, rendering the property vulnerable, and urges the State Party to implement the ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC-14/38.COM/7A, Recalling Decision 37 COM 7A.14, adopted at its 37th session (Phnom Penh, 2013), Commends the State Party for the development of an Emergency Action Plan, which could facilitate the implementation of the corrective measures; Expresses its serious concern about the pressure to downgrade the protection status of Kerinci Seblat National Park to a Protected Forest, which would not only expose the property to the risk of road construction and the associated potential impacts of poaching and encroachment, but would ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined document WHC-14/38.COM/7A, Recalling Decision 37 COM 7B.14, adopted at its 37th session (Phnom Penh, 2013), Notes with appreciation that some progress has been achieved in the implementation of the recommendations of the Committee and the 2012 IUCN reactive monitoring mission; Welcomes the assessment of threats to the property undertaken with support from the Government of Australia, and considers that the findings and recommendations of this assessment could provide a basis for the State Party to develop, in consultation with the World ...
Sites: East Rennell
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC-14/38.COM/7A, Recalling Decision 37 COM 7A.15, adopted at its 37th session (Phnom Penh, 2013), Reiterates the request that the State Party submit to the World Heritage Centre, by 1 February 2015, a detailed report on the state of conservation of the property, including progress achieved in implementing the corrective measures and in meeting the indicators developed for the Desired state of conservation for removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger, for examination by the World Heritage Committee at its ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document Belize, Recalling Decision 37COM 7A.16 adopted at its 37th session (Phnom Penh, 2013), Commends the State Party for the progress achieved in the implementation of certain corrective measures, particularly those regarding expansion of no-take zones and eradication and control of invasive species; and for its efforts undertaken to control unauthorized development activities and eliminate their impacts on the property; Urges the State Party to establish, as a matter of priority, a legislative instrument that will guarantee ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC-14/38.COM/7A, Recalling Decision 37 COM 7B.17, adopted at its 37th session (Phnom Penh, 2013), Welcomes the progress reported by the State Party in the implementation of the updated corrective measures and towards achieving the indicators established for the Desired state of conservation for the removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger (DSOCR); Requests the State Party to make a clear commitment to the long-term securing of adequate funding, management and staffing levels, in order to ensure that ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC-14/38.COM/7A.Add, Recalling Decision 37 COM 7A.18, adopted at its 37th session (Phnom Penh, 2013), Welcomes the progress achieved by the State Party with the development of a draft proposal for the Desired State of Conservation for the removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger (DSOCR), and requests the State Party, in consultation with the World Heritage Centre and IUCN, to finalize the proposal for the DSOCR for examination by the Committee at its 39th session in 2015; Also welcomes the State Party’s ...