By Year
Carlsbad Caverns National Park
United States of America
N(i) (iii)
The Committee inscribed the nominated property on the basis of criteria (i) and (iii), considering that the site is of outstanding universal value with exceptional geological features, unique reef and rock formations, and containing major cave formations, gypsum chandelier speleothems, aragonite 'christmas trees' and hydromagnesite balloons.
The Committee also wished to encourage the authorities in their efforts to establish a cave protection zone to the north of the ...
Wildlife Reserve of Conkouati
The Committee did not inscribe the nominated property, as the site is considered of national importance and does not possess distinguishing features of universal value. It noted, furthermore, that the site has been degraded over the past ten years.
Odzala National Park (and annexes)
The Committee discussed whether or not the site is of only national importance and whether it possesses distinguishing features of outstanding universal value.
After a discussion with contributions from the Delegates of Niger, Benin, France and Germany, the Committee decided to defer consideration of the nominated site and to encourage the State Party to further investigate the site in relation to Ndoki National Park to the north as a potential site for nomination and agreed to invite the state Party to seek preparatory assistance for the ...
Extension of a Deferred Site: Galapagos Marine Reserve (Extension of the Galapagos Islands) (Ecuador)
Galapagos Marine Reserve (Extension of the Galapagos Islands)
The Committee recalled that it deferred the inscription of the Galapagos Marine Reserve at its eighteenth session due to serious threats to the site and in accordance with the IUCN recommendation and the wish of the Observer of Ecuador.
The Delegate from Ecuador requested that the marine extension of the site be deferred until the twentieth session of the committee. This was agreed by the Committee.
Sites: Galápagos Islands
Inscription on the List of World Heritage in Danger: Yellowstone National Park (United States of America)
During its examination of monitoring reports, the committee noted threats to Yellowstone National Park (United States of America). On the basis of both ascertained dangers and potential dangers, the committee decided that Yellowstone National Park be placed on the List of World Heritage in Danger.
Sites: Yellowstone National Park
Willandra Lakes Region
167 Rev.
The Committee recalled that the site was included on the World Heritage List as a mixed site in 1981. The Committee took note of the new boundary proposal and the information by the Delegate of Australia that the reduction in the size of the area would enhance the World Heritage values of the site.
The Committee, furthermore, having taken note of the fact that the new boundary will reduce the total area by about thirty percent, adopted the revised boundaries, as they better define the area containing the World Heritage values and ...
Sites: Willandra Lakes Region
VIII.5 After having examined at its nineteenth session in July 1995, 28 nominations for inscription of cultural properties and one for a mixed property, the Bureau recommended the inscription of 17 properties. Four nominations had been referred back and six were deferred. The Bureau had also decided to postpone the debate on one proposal for inscription until the session of the out-going Bureau.
VIII.6 In December 1995, eight nominations of cultural properties were examined by the Bureau, of which six were recommended for inscription. One nomination was not recommended and another ...
Lunenburg Old Town
C (iv) (v)
The Committee concluded that Lunenburg Old Town is an outstanding example of the planned European colonial settlement in North America, 1n terms both of it~ conception and its remarkable level of conservation.
The Committee decided to inscribe Lunenburg Old Town on the World Heritage List on the basis of criteria (iv) and (v).
Sites: Old Town Lunenburg
Rapa Nui National Park
C(i) (iii) (v)
The Committee concluded that Rapa Nui National Park contains one of the most remarkable cultural phenomena in the world. An artistic and architectural tradition of great power and imagination was developed by a society that was completely isolated from external cultural influences of any kind for over a millennium. The substantial remains of this culture blend with their natural surroundings to create an unparalleled cultural landscape.
The Committee decided to inscribe the Rapa Nui National Park on the World Heritage List on the basis ...
Sites: Rapa Nui National Park
The Historic Centre of Santa Cruz de Mompox
C(iv) (v)
The Committee concluded that the Historic Centre of Santa Cruz de Mompox is an outstanding example of a Spanish colonial settlement established on the banks of a major river and serving an important strategic and commercial role which has survived to a remarkable level of intactness to the present day.
The Committee decided to inscribe the Historic Centre of Santa Cruz de Mompox on the World Heritage List on the basis of criteria (iv) and ...
National Archaeoloqical Park of Tierradentro
The Committee concluded that the hypogea of the National Archaeological Park of Tierradentro are unique testimony to the everyday life, ritual, and burial customs of a developed and stable prehispanic society in the northern Andean region of South America.
The Committee decided to inscribe the National Archaeological Park of Tierradentro on the World Heritage List on the basis of criterion ...
San Agustin Archaeological Park
The Committee concluded that the wealth of megalithic statuary from the archaeological sites in San Agustin Archaeological Park bears vivid witness to the artistic creativity and imagination of a prehispanic culture that flowered in the hostile tropical environment of the Northern Andes.
The Committee decided to inscribe the San Agustin Archaeological Park on the World Heritage List on the basis of criterion (iii).
Inscription: Kutná Hora: The Historica1 Town Centre with the Church of St. Barbara and the Cathedral of Our Lady at Sedlec (Czech Republic)
Kutná Hora: The Historica1 Town Centre with the Church of St. Barbara and the Cathedral of Our Lady at Sedlec
Czech Republic
C(ii) (iv)
The Committee decided to inscribe the site under criteria (ii) and (iv) as an outstanding example of the medieval town whose wealth and prosperity was based on its silver mines. The Church of Saint Barbara and other buildings were underlined as having particular architectural and artistic quality and as having had a profound influence on subsequent developments in the architecture of Central ...
Roskilde Cathedral
C(ii) (iv)
The Committee decided to inscribe this property under criteria (ii) and (iv) as Roskilde Cathedral is in many ways the most important ecclesiastical building built of red brick in northern Europe and had a profound influence on the spread of brick for this purpose over the whole region.
The Committee drew the attention of the Danish authorities to the interest of the canonical and episcopal quarter which surrounds the Roskilde Cathedral and encouraged them to take all necessary steps for the safeguarding of this exceptional ...
Sites: Roskilde Cathedral
The Historic Centre of Avignon
C(i) (ii) (iv)
The Committee decided to inscribe the site under criteria (i), (ii) and (iv), considering that this monumental ensemble in the historic centre of Avignon is an outstanding example of late medieval ecclesiastical, administrative and military architecture, which played a significant role in the development and diffusion of a characteristic form of culture over a wide area of Europe, at a time of critical importance for the development of lasting relationships between the Papacy and the civil powers.
It also decided to inscribe ...
The Historic Centre of Siena
C(i) (ii) (iv)
The Committee decided to inscribe the property on the basis of criteria (i), (ii) and (iv), considering that Siena is an outstanding medieval city that has preserved its character and quality. The city is a work of dedication and imagination in which the buildings have been designed to fit into the overall planned urban fabric, and also to form a whole with the surrounding cultural landscape.
Sites: Historic Centre of Siena
The Historic Centre of Naples
C(ii) (iv)
The Committee decided to inscribe the property on the basis of criteria (ii) and (iv), considering that the site is of exceptional value. It is one of the most ancient cities in Europe, whose contemporary urban fabric preserves the elements of its long and eventful history. Its setting on the Bay of Naples gives it an outstanding universal value which has had a profound influence in many parts of Europe and beyond.
Sites: Historic Centre of Naples
Crespi d'Adda
C(iv) (v)
The Committee decided to inscribe this property on the World Heritage List on the basis of criteria (iv) and (v), considering that it is an exceptional example of a working village of Europe and North America, dating back to the 19th and 20th centuries, and reflecting the predominant philosophy of enlightened industrialists with respect to their employees. Although the evolution of economic and social conditions constituted an inevitable threat to the survival of Crespi d'Adda, its integrity is remarkable and it has partly conserved its industrial ...
Sites: Crespi d'Adda
Ferrara: city of the Renaissance
C(ii) (iv) (vi)
The Committee decided to inscribe the property on the basis of criteria (ii), (iv) and (vi) considering that the site is of outstanding universal value, being a Renaissance city, remarkably planned, which has retained its urban fabric virtually intact. The developments in town planning expressed in Ferrara were to have a profound influence on the development of urban design throughout the succeeding ...
The Historic Villages of Shirakawa-go and Gokayama
C(iv) (v)
The Committee decided to inscribe the site under criteria (iv) and (v) as the villages are outstanding examples of a traditional human settlement that is perfectly adapted to its environment. The Committee noted the successful adaptation to economic changes and that survival can only be assured through constant vigilance on both sides, the Government authorities and the inhabitants.