By Year
VII.20 Skocjan Caves (Slovenia)
The Committee recalled that the site was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1986 and took note of the report by IUCN on the field mission outlining that the size of the site had been expanded from 200 to 400 ha to better control the surface area of the underground caves. Actions by the State Party included expenditure of US$ 22 million on upstream pollution control, strengthening legislation, consideration of a buffer zone and proposals for new park offices and visitor facilities. The Delegate of Germany asked for clarification concerning the extended ...
Sites: Škocjan Caves
VII.21 Redwood National Park (United States of America)
The Committee recalled that the Bureau at its nineteenth session reviewed a preliminary monitoring report and further information on the proposed realignment of Highway 101 near cushing Creek in Del Norte County to correct safety and operational problems. The World Heritage Centre informed the committee about new information received from the State Party that the proposed realignment of Highway 101 through Redwood National Park, as described in a new alternative by the California Department of Transportation, will result in the ...
VII.22 Yellowstone National Park (United States of America)
The Committee recalled that Yellowstone National Park was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1978 and that it is the first National Park in the world. It furthermore recalled that the Bureau discussed the potential threats to Yellowstone at its last session in July 1995. The Bureau had requested a joint mission to the site to review the situation. The mission was carried out in September 1995 by the Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee, representatives of the World Heritage Centre, and a representative of IUCN's ...
Sites: Yellowstone National Park
VII.11 Tasmanian Wilderness (Australia)
The Committee recalled that this mixed site was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1982 and that the Bureau at its eighteenth session in July 1994, discussed reports received on logging operations in areas adjacent to the World Heritage area. It furthermore recalled that two concerns were raised: (a) that there is forested land outside the site which may have World Heritage values, and (b) that logging and roading activities adjacent to the site could have an adverse impact on the existing World Heritage site.
The Committee noted that the ...
Sites: Tasmanian Wilderness
VII.12 Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks (Canada)
The Committee recalled that the site was inscribed in 1984 (extension in 1990) and took note of the report presented by IUCN. The report underlines the infrastructural development of the "Bow Corridor", which is intensely used and developed. The Canadian authorities have set up a task force to look into this issue and the ecological integrity of the site. The Delegate of Canada took the floor and underlined that the Government of Canada recognizes the importance to study the problem and invited IUCN to cooperate with the task force by making ...
VII.13 Galapagos National Park (Ecuador)
The Committee took note of a report presented by IUCN on the site. This report outlined, while acknowledging efforts by the Ecuadorian authorities concerning legislation and cooperation with local authorities, the threats this site is currently facing. These are mainly:
(a) threats to the terrestrial biodiversity with the introduction of species of vertebrate animals endangering endemic flora and fauna, as well as the growing human population, which has severe impacts for example for solid waste disposal,
(b) threats to the marine biodiversity ...
Sites: Galápagos Islands
VII.23 Ha Long Bay (Vietnam)
The Committee recalled that the site was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1994 and took note of a report presented by IUCN. The report outlines two potential threats to the site: (a) a new port is to be developed in the Bay which would route large transport ships through the site, and (b) a license for a large floating hotel at the site which would have further impacts on the heavy tourist pressures in the Bay.
The Delegate of Japan provided further information concerning financial support for the project from Japanese aid agencies for an amount of ...
VII.24 Willandra Lakes Region (Australia)
The Committee took note of a new boundary proposal which will reduce the total area by about thirty percent. The Committee decided to take this issue up under item VIII "Nominations".
Sites: Willandra Lakes Region
VII.25 Royal Palaces of Abomey (Benin)
In accordance with the recommendation adopted by the Bureau at its eighteenth session in July 1995, the Committee was informed of a mission organized by the World Heritage Centre to Abomey to complete and update the nomination documents and prepare a state of conservation report. The mission recommended to the authorities concerned:
1) to identify more precisely the boundaries of the site and enhance the respect of the buffer zone which should take into account the enclosing walls and the old entrance doors;
2) establish a global conservation and ...
Sites: Royal Palaces of Abomey
VII.26 Angkor (Cambodia)
The Secretariat recalled that at the time of inscription of Angkor on the List of World Heritage and on the List in Danger at the sixteenth session of the World Heritage Committee in Santa Fe, on 14 December 1992, the Committee set forth five obligations it requested the Cambodian authorities to fulfill within a period of three years. This period coming to its term at the end of December this year, H. E. Mr Vann Molyvann, Minister of State of the Royal Government of Cambodia, took the floor at the invitation of the Chairperson to inform the Committee on the ...
Sites: Angkor
VII.27 Old city of Dubrovnik (Croatia)
The Committee, having taken note of the difficulties which hindered the execution of the programme for which it had approved funds in 1994, requested the Secretariat to continue monitoring its implementation and to present a progress report to the Bureau at its twentieth session. The Committee decided to retain this property on the List of World Heritage in Danger.
Sites: Old City of Dubrovnik
VII.28 Timbuktu (Mali)
The Committee was informed of the state of progress of the pilot project for the preservation of the three mosques of Timbuktu inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger. The first phase, which was carried out by the national authorities, will be followed in 1995 by the intervention of experts from ICCROM and CRATerre - EAG. This second phase should receive support from the World Heritage Fund.
Having noted that the Mali authorities granted emergency assistance from the national budget to finance conservation work, the Committee endorsed the launching of a ...
Sites: Timbuktu
VII.29 Bahla Fort (Oman)
The Committee was informed that since its eighteenth session two expert missions had visited the site. The observations and recommendations of the first mission are set out in a Consolidated Report transmitted to the national authorities, confirming that the work being carried out was of a clearly "renovation" type, risking to irremediably compromise the authenticity of this historic monument. The second mission, carried out from 27 May to 11 June 1995, with the financial support of Oman, by a specialist in mud-brick architecture, provided valuable advice on the ...
Sites: Bahla Fort
VII.30 Chan Chan Archaeological Zone (Peru)
The Committee decided to wait for the results of the assessment of the conservation policies and practices at the Chan Chan Archaeological Zone, to be undertaken in the context of the course on adobe conservation that will be held at Chan Chan, in late 1996. The Committee decided to retain the site on the List of World Heritage in Danger.
VII.31 Wieliczka Salt Mines (Poland)
The Committee took note of the information provided by the Secretariat that UNESCO had taken all the necessary measures for the implementation of the technical cooperation project that was approved by the World Heritage Committee at its eighteenth session but that it had not received to date the consent of the Polish authorities as to UNESCO's proposals regarding the purchase of the equipment. In the absence of any further clarification from the State Party concerned, the Delegate of the United States of America informed the Committee that the Polish ...
VII.33 City of Potosi (Bolivia)
The Committee took note of the information provided by the Secretariat on the potential degradation of the Cerro Rico mountain by continued mining operations. Considering that the Cerro Rico forms an integral part of the World Heritage site, the Committee invited the Bolivian authorities to inform the Secretariat of the measures it has taken for its preservation and management.
Sites: City of Potosí
19 COM VII.C.2.34/35
SOC: Memphis and its Necropolis -- the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur (Egypt)
VII.34 Memphis and its Necropolis -- the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur (Egypt)
It was recalled that the Committee had been informed during its eighteenth session in Phuket of the very serious problems which threatened the site. Following an exchange of correspondence between the Director-General of UNESCO, the Government of Egypt and the World Heritage Committee, a UNESCO expert mission visited Egypt from 1 to 6 April 1995, at the invitation of the national authorities. Its terms of reference were to propose safeguarding measures for the World Heritage site of the Pyramid Fields ...
VII.35 Islamic Cairo (Egypt)
The Committee therefore requested the Secretariat to transmit to the Egyptian authorities the following text concerning the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur and the Islamic Cairo:
Having noted the results of the mission of the UNESCO experts invited by the Government of Egypt, from 1 to 6 April 1995, to assist in identifying measures to ensure the conservation of the World Heritage site of the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur, the Committee congratulated and thanked the Egyptian authorities for the decisions taken to date and for the action already ...
VII.36 Churches of Lalibela (Ethiopia)
The project for the "Restoration and Preservation of the Churches of Lalibela" was conceived and formulated in the framework of the International campaign for the Conservation and Preservation of-the Monuments of Ethiopia, and implemented by the Division of Cultural Heritage. It illustrates the complementarity and the dynamism of the activities carried out for heritage by the UNESCO Secretariat as a whole. This project, which receives support from the European Union and the Finnish Ministry of the Environment, will establish on the basis of ...
Sites: Rock-Hewn Churches, Lalibela
VII.37 Palaces and Parks of Potsdam and Berlin (Germany)
The Committee took note of the report provided by the Secretariat and invited the German authorities to provide a full state of conservation report on the site, including statements concerning legal protection, current planning and development of Potsdam, as well as information on possible extensions of the site and/or buffer zones adjacent to the site.