National Cultural Heritage Laws

Source: UNESCO Database of National Cultural Heritage Laws UNESCO/CLT/Natlaws

Document Years Themes Categories Language
Decree comprising an order in council implementing section 3, subsection 3 and section 21 of the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act (no longer in force) 1985
  • Inventory, Registry
  • Protected Area or Good
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Cultural Heritage Preservation Act (no longer in force)
Cultural Heritage Preservation Act (translation) (no longer in force)
  • Exportation
  • Inventory, Registry
  • Protected Area or Good
  • Sanctions
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Cultural Heritage Preservation Act (amended) (no longer in force) 1985
  • Exportation
  • Inventory, Registry
  • Promotion and Development
  • Protected Area or Good
  • Sanctions
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Wet 193 houdende regels betreffende enkele aspecten van het specifiek cultuurbeleid (no longer in force) 1993
  • Maintenance
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Wet 200 houdende voorzieningen in het belang van het behoud van monumenten van geschiedenis en kunst (no longer in force) 1961
  • Maintenance
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Wet 276 houdende vervanging van de Archiefwet 1962 en in verband daarmede wijziging van enige andere wetten 1995
  • Protected Area or Good
Wet 286 houdende vaststelling van nieuwe voorschriften omtrent de ruimtelijke ordening (no longer in force) 1962
  • Protected Area or Good
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Monumentenwet (no longer in force)
The monuments and historic buildings act (new version 2012) (no longer in force)
  • Compensation
  • Exploration license
  • Protected Area or Good
  • Sanctions
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Act of 8 March 2007 containing rules on the taking into custody of cultural property from an occupied territory during an armed conflict and for the initiation of proceedings for the return of such property (Cultural Property Originating from Occupied Territory (Return) Act) (no longer in force) 2007
  • Illicit traffic
  • Return
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Explanatory Memorandum related to the Act of 8 March 2007, on the taking into custody of cultural property from an occupied territory during an armed conflict and for the initiation of proceedings for the return of such property (Cultural Property Originating from Occupied Territory (Return) Act) (no longer in force) 2007
  • Return
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Implementation of the Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property adopted in Paris on 14 November 1970 (1970 UNESCO Convention on the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property (Implementation) Act (no longer in force) 2009
  • Exportation
  • Illicit traffic
  • Importation
  • Protected Area or Good
  • Return
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Implementation of the Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the llicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property adopted in Paris on 14 November 1970 (1970 UNESCO Convention on the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property (Implementation) Act) (expl memo) (no longer in force) 2009
  • Exportation
  • Illicit traffic
  • Importation
  • Protected Area or Good
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Approval of the Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property adopted in Paris on 14 November 1970 (memo) 2009
  • Illicit traffic
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Approval of the Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property adopted in Paris on 14 November 1970 2009
  • Illicit traffic
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
  • Exploration license
  • Authorization, Permits, License
  • Exploration license
  • Exportation
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Implementation of specific articles in the 1999 Second Protocol to the Hague Convention in the Netherlands through the 2003 international Crimes Act 2003
  • Protected Area or Good
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Cultural Heritage Preservation Act (1984/2002/2009) (no longer in force) 2009
  • Promotion and Development
  • Protected Area or Good
  • Cultural Immovable Heritage
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
English 2011
  • Promotion and Development
  • Protected Area or Good
  • Cultural Immovable Heritage
Act of 4 June 2015 amending the Civil Code and several other laws to implement Directive 2014/60EU on the Return of Cultural Objects unlawfully Removed from the Territory of a Member State and amending Regulation (EU) No. 1024/2012 2015
  • Good faith acquisition
  • Illicit traffic
  • Protected Area or Good
  • Restitution
  • Return
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Act of 9 December 2015 relating to the Combining and Amendment of Rules Regarding Cultural Heritage (Heritage Act) (entered in force on 1 July 2016) 2015
  • Authorization, Permits, License
  • Customs
  • Exploration license
  • Exportation
  • Good faith acquisition
  • Illicit traffic
  • Importation
  • Inventory, Registry
  • Protected Area or Good
  • Restitution
  • Return
  • Sanctions
  • Loan
  • Cultural Immovable Heritage
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
  • Natural Heritage
Explanatory Memorandum to the Act of 9 December 2015, relating to the Combining and Amendment of Rules regarding Cultural Heritage (Heritage Act) 2015
  • Authorization, Permits, License
  • Exploration license
  • Illicit traffic
  • Inventory, Registry
  • Protected Area or Good
  • Restitution
  • Cultural Immovable Heritage
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property