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International Workshop on Space Technologies for World Heritage

9-28 octobre 2012
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The International Centre on Space Technologies for Natural and Cultural Heritage (HIST), under the auspices of UNESCO, is organizing the 1st International Workshop on Technologies for World Heritage, which is sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in Bejing from the 9th to the 28th of October 2012. The theme of the workshop is “From Space to Place: Application of Space Technologies in Management and Conservation of World Heritage”.

The objective of the Workshop is to help build capacity of the policy-makers, site managers or researchers of cultural natural heritage in some of the UNESCO member states in Asia on how to apply space technologies to the conservation and management of UNESCO properties in their countries. This event also contributes to celebrating the 40th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention. 

The policy-makers, managers and researchers of World Heritage sites of the developing member states of UNESCO in Asia lacking the capacity to use and interpret satellite data in monitoring the state of conservation of their sites may apply to participate in the Workshop. As the number is limited to 20 people from 10 different member states, only those who are qualified can be selected as formal participants. This 1st Workshop will provide courses on topics such as “Climate Change and World Heritage Conservation”, “Natural Disasters and World Heritage Conservation”, “Space Technologies and Their Applications”, and many more.

For more information and to register for the workshop, please consult Brochure.

États parties 1
Régions 1
Asie et Pacifique
Mots clefs (texte)

Workshop Space technologies


mardi 9 octobre 2012
dimanche 28 octobre 2012

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Beijing, China