National Cultural Heritage Laws

Source: UNESCO Database of National Cultural Heritage Laws UNESCO/CLT/Natlaws

Document Years Themes Categories Language
Organic law of the national system of cultural radio and television (SINART): law Nº 8346, 12 February 2003 2003
  • Promotion and Development
  • Statutory Bodies Creation
  • Intangible Cultural Heritage
Costa Rican Arts Museum Establishment Law 1977
  • Maintenance
  • Promotion and Development
  • Statutory Bodies Creation
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Architectonic Historical Heritage Law 1995
  • Maintenance
  • Promotion and Development
  • Protected Area or Good
  • Sanctions
  • Statutory Bodies Creation
  • Transfer of ownership
  • Cultural Immovable Heritage
  • Natural Heritage
National system of archive (regulation) 1990
  • Authorization, Permits, License
  • Exportation
  • Inventory, Registry
  • Maintenance
  • Promotion and Development
  • Sanctions
  • Statutes of limitation
  • Statutory Bodies Creation
  • Transfer of ownership
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Museum of Contemporary Art and Design 1998
  • Maintenance
  • Promotion and Development
  • Statutory Bodies Creation
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
National System of Librairies 1999
  • Promotion and Development
  • Statutory Bodies Creation
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Handbook of procedures: Entrance of merchandises, vehicles and transport units to the national territory
  • Authorization, Permits, License
  • Customs
  • Importation
  • Inventory, Registry
  • Sanctions
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Handbook of procedures: Customs transit
  • Authorization, Permits, License
  • Customs
  • Dealer trade
  • Exportation
  • Importation
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Handbook of procedures: Definitive import
  • Authorization, Permits, License
  • Customs
  • Importation
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Law 3632 concerning the National Theater 1965
  • Promotion and Development
  • Intangible Cultural Heritage
Law 7243 on tax exemption for musical instruments 1992
  • Compensation
  • Intangible Cultural Heritage
Approval of the agreement of the establishment of Iberoamerican Youth Organisation 1996
  • Authorization, Permits, License
  • Promotion and Development
Ley 8059: Aprobacion del acuerdo sobre la aplicacion de las disposiciones de las convenciones de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Derecho del Mar del 10 de deciembre de 1982, relativas a la conservacion y ordenacion de las poblaciones de peces transzonales y las poblaciones de peces altamente migratorios 2000
  • Protected Area or Good
  • Restitution
  • Return
  • Sanctions
  • Transfer of ownership
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
  • Underwater Cultural Heritage
Law 8394 concerning the celebration of "DÍA NACIONAL DEL SABANERO" 2003
  • Customs
  • Intangible Cultural Heritage
Integracion del Regimen Artistico al Estatuto de Servicio Civil, Ley N. 1581, mediante la adicion de un Titulo IV 2006
  • Promotion and Development
  • Intangible Cultural Heritage
Law 8560 concerning the approval of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage 2006
  • Customs
  • Maintenance
  • Promotion and Development
  • Protected Area or Good
  • Intangible Cultural Heritage
Proyecto de Ley: Ley de premios nacionales 2003
  • Promotion and Development
  • Intangible Cultural Heritage
Proyecto de ley: Aprobacion de la Convencion iberoamericana de derechos de los jovenes 2001
  • Customs
  • Intangible Cultural Heritage
Draft law 16697 on the approval of the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions 2007
  • Customs
Ley de creacion de Centro costarricense de Produccion Cinematografica 1978
  • Statutory Bodies Creation
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Decreto 6475 que autorizase al Poder ejecutivo para proceder a la remodelacion de las instalaciones del Archivo de la Curia Metropolitana de San Jose 1980
  • Maintenance
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Decreto 6519 que reformase la ley N. 5619 del 4 de diciembre de 1974 1981
  • Maintenance
  • Cultural Immovable Heritage
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Decreto 43 sobre el edificio para Archivos nacionales 1934
  • Maintenance
  • Cultural Immovable Heritage
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Ley indigena 1977
  • Promotion and Development
  • Protected Area or Good
Ley 6683 de autor y derechos conexos 1982
  • Authorization, Permits, License
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Ley N.7 sobre los objetos arqueologicos existentes en el territorio de la Republica 1938
  • Protected Area or Good
  • Underwater Cultural Heritage
Decreto que crease el Museo de Arte costarricense 1974
  • Maintenance
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Reglamento de la Comision nacional de Conmemoraciones historicas 1979
  • Maintenance
  • Intangible Cultural Heritage
Carta internacional sobre la conservacion y la restauracion de monumentos y de conjuntos historico-artisticos 1964
  • Maintenance
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Carta de Cumbaya 1995
  • Promotion and Development
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Decreto ejecutivo 24023C: reglamento a la ley del systema nacional de archivos- 30 de enero de 1995 1995
  • Maintenance
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Ley 3632 sobre el Teatro nacional (actualizada in 2001) 2001
  • Promotion and Development
  • Protected Area or Good
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Ley 4711-recomendacion sobre la conservacion de los Bienes culturales que la ejecucion de obras publicas o privadas pueda poner en peligro 1971
  • Inventory, Registry
  • Maintenance
  • Sanctions
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Ley 7623-defensa del idioma espanol y lenguas aborigenes costarricenses 1996
  • Promotion and Development
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Ley 8014-declaracion del 20 de agosto como dia del artista nacional (actualizada 2001) 2001
  • Promotion and Development
Ley 8054 de la diversidad etnica y linguistica 2000
  • Promotion and Development
Reglamento de la Comision arqueologica nacional 1989
  • Statutory Bodies Creation
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Ley N.14 1923
  • Protected Area or Good
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Decreto N.6360 sobre la ratificacion de la Convencion sobre la Defensa del Patrimonio Arqueologico, Historico y Artistico de las Naciones Americanas 1979
  • Exportation
  • Importation
  • Protected Area or Good
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Decreto N.1542 (1953) sobre la administracion y direccion del Museo Nacional 1953
  • Maintenance
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Loi 71/1994 sur la vente et les exportations d'objets ayant une valeur culturelle
  • Authorization, Permits, License
  • Exportation
Recueil de législations nationales culturelles (Costa Rica)
  • Maintenance
  • Statutory Bodies Creation
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property