National Cultural Heritage Laws

Source: UNESCO Database of National Cultural Heritage Laws UNESCO/CLT/Natlaws

Document Years Themes Categories Language
Decreto 876: Ley del premio nacional de cultura 1988
  • Promotion and Development
Decreto 808: Ley del Libro 1994
  • Promotion and Development
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Decreto 604: Ley de fomento y proteccion de la propriedad intelectual 1993
  • Authorization, Permits, License
  • Sanctions
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Decreto N. 513: Ley especial al patrimonio cultural de El Salvador 1993
  • Promotion and Development
  • Cultural Immovable Heritage
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
  • Intangible Cultural Heritage
  • Natural Heritage
Decreto 50: Reglamento a la ley de promocion de la artes plasticas 1973
  • Promotion and Development
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Decreto 348 reformase el inciso primero de la ley de la promocion de las artes plasticas 1973
  • Promotion and Development
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Decreto 33 que crease la medalla al Merito intelectual "Francisco Gavidia" 1964
  • Promotion and Development
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Decreto 690: Ley de promocion de las artes plasticas 1968
  • Promotion and Development
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Decreto 316: Ley del archivo general de la nacion 1985
  • Protected Area or Good
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Decreto 3: Reglamento del museo nacional "David J. Guzman" 1950
  • Maintenance
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Decreto 29: Reglamento de la ley especial de proteccion al patrimonio cultural de El Salvador 1996
  • Exportation
  • Importation
  • Inventory, Registry
  • Promotion and Development
  • Sanctions
  • Transfer of ownership
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
  • Intangible Cultural Heritage
  • Natural Heritage
Decreto 239 1983
  • Protected Area or Good
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Decreto 22: Reglamento de la ley del premio nacional de cultura 1994
  • Promotion and Development
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Decreto 18 1984
  • Compensation
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Decreto 1053: Ley de creacion del Instituto Salvadoreno de artisanias 1982
  • Statutory Bodies Creation
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Decreto de fundacion de la biblioteca nacional 1870
  • Statutory Bodies Creation
  • Cultural Immovable Heritage
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Decreto N.1074-la junta revolucionaria del gobierno 1982
  • Cultural Immovable Heritage
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property
Decreto N.35- reglamento de la ley de fomento y proteccion de la propriedad intelectual 1994
  • Inventory, Registry
  • Cultural Movable Heritage - Cultural Property