CC-77/CONF.001/8 Rev. 
                                                     PARIS, 20 October 1977 
                                                     Original: English/French 

                     UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, 


                            First Session 
                  Unesco, Paris, 27 June - 1 July 1977 

                           CONVENTION (1) 


1. The cultural heritage and the natural heritage are among the priceless and 
irreplaceable possessions, not only of each nation, but of mankind as a whole. 
The loss, through deterioration or disappearance, of any of these most prized 
possessions constitutes an impoverishment of the heritage of all the peoples of 
the world. Parts of that heritage, because of their exceptional qualities, can 
be considered to be of outstanding universal value and as such worthy of special 
protection against the dangers which increasingly threaten them. 

2. In an attempt to remedy this perilous situation and to ensure, as far as 
possible, the proper identification, protection, conservation, presentation 
and rehabilitation of the world's unique and irreplaceable heritage, the Member 
States of Unesco adopted in 1972 the Convention concerning the Protection of the 
World Cultural and Natural Heritage. This Convention, which complements and in 
no way competes with heritage conservation programmes at the national level, 
provides for the establishment of a World Heritage Committee and a World Heritage 
Fund. Both the Committee and the Fund are now in existence. 

3. The World Heritage Committee has four critical functions: 

   to draw up a World Heritage List, comprising those properties, cultural 
   and natural, which the Committee considers to be of outstanding universal 
   value in accordance with criteria adopted by it; 

   to prepare a List of World Heritage in Danger consisting of those properties 
   on the World Heritage List which, for their protection, require major 
   conservation measures and for which assistance has been requested by the 
   States Parties concerned; 

   to determine in what way and under what conditions the World Heritage 
   Fund resources can most advantageously be used; and 


(1) The Operational Guidelines for the implementation of the World Heritage 
    Convention were adopted by the World Heritage Committee at its first session 
    (Paris, 27 June to 1 July 1977). These guidelines, which will need adjusting 
    or expanding to reflect later decisions of the Committee, are of crucial 
    importance, in that they provide a clear and comprehensive statement of the 
    principles which are to guide the Committee in its future work. 


to assist Member States, as far as possible, in the protection of their 
properties of outstanding universal value. 

4. The responsibilities of the World Heritage Committee`are immense. But 
there can be no more important challenge and no more worthwhile task than 
an endeavour, on behalf of the peoples of the world, to assist States in 
protecting for future generations those cultural and natural properties, which 
are of outstanding universal value, 


A. General Principles 

5. The Committee agreed that the following general principles would guide its 
work in establishing the World Heritage List: 

   (i) The World Heritage List, in view of its importance not only for the 
       work related to the Convention, but also for educational and public 
       information purposes, shall be considered as a separate entity. 
       The criteria for the inclusion of properties in the List, therefore, 
       shall enable the World Heritage Committee to act with full 
       independence in evaluating solely the intrinsic merit of a property 
       and not its suitability for assistance by the World Heritage Fund. 

  (ii) The Convention provides a vehicle for the protection of those 
       cultural or natural properties or areas deemed to be of outstanding 
       universal value. It is not intended to provide for the protection 
       of all properties and areas of great interest, importance, or value, 
       but only for a select list of the most outstanding of these from 
       an international viewpoint. 

 (iii) The outstanding universal value of cultural and natural properties 
       shall be determined according to two sets of criteria: 

             one set of criteria for cultural property; 

             one set of criteria for natural property. 

  (iv) Cultural and natural properties shall be included in the World 
       Heritage List according to a gradual process and no formal limit 
       shall be imposed either on the total number of properties included 
       in the list or on the number of properties any individual State 
       can submit at successive states for inclusion therein. 

   (v) When a property included in the World Heritage List has deteriorated 
       to such an extent that lt has lost those characteristics for which 
       it was inscribed thereon or when further research has shown that the 
       property is not, in fact, of outstanding universal value, that 
       property shall be deleted from the List. In this connection, it is 
       hoped that the reports to be submitted by States Parties under the 
       terms of Article 29 of the Convention will provide sufficient 
       information for the Committee to decide on the continuing eligibility 
       of the properties for inclusion in the List. 


  (vi) The property included in the World Heritage List should be marRed 
       with a World Heritage Emblem. However, this emblem should be placed 
       in such a way that it does not visually impair the property in 

6. The definition of "universal" in the phrase "outstanding universal value" 
requires comment, Some properties may not be recognized by all people, 
everywhere, to be of great importance and significance. Opinions may vary 
from one culture or period to another. As far as cultural property is concerned, 
the term "universal" must be interpreted as referring to a property which is 
highly representative of the culture of which it forms part. 

B. Criteria for the inclusion of cultural properties in the World Heritage 

7. Outstanding universal value will be recognized when a monument, group of 
buildings or site - as defined in Article 2 of the Convention - submitted 
for inclusion in the World Heritage List is found to meet one or more of the 
following criteria. Therefore, each property nominated should: 

   (i) represent a unique artistic or aesthetic achievement, a masterpiece 
       of the creative genius; or 

  (ii) have exerted considerable influence, over a span of time or within 
       a cultural area of the world, on subsequent developments in 
       architecture, monumental sculpture, garden and landscape design, 
       related arts, or human settlements; or 

 (iii) be unique, extremely rare, or of great antiquity; or 

  (iv) be among the most characteristic examples of a type of structure, 
       the type representing an important cultural, social, artistic, 
       scientific, technological or industrial development; or 

   (v) be a characteristic example of a significant, traditional style 
       of architecture, method of construction, or human settlement, that 
       is fragile by nature or has become vulnerable under the impact 
       of irreversible socio-cultural or economic change; or 

  (vi) be most importantly associated with ideas or beliefs, with events 
       or with persons, of outstanding historical importance or 

8. In every case, consideration must be given to the state of preservation 
of the property (which should be evaluated relatively, in comparison to 
the state of preservation of other property dating from the same- period and of 
the same type and category). 

9. In addition. the property should meet the test of authenticity in design, 
materials, workmanship and setting; authenticity does not limit consideration 
to original form and structure but includes all subsequent modifications and 
additions, over the course of time, which in themselves possess artistic or 
historical values. 


C. Criteria for the inclusion of natural properties in the World Heritage List 

10. Outstanding universal value will be recognized when a natural heritage 
property - as defined in Article 2 of the Convention - submitted for 
inclusion in the World Heritage List, is found to meet one or more of the 
following criteria, Therefore, properties nominated should: 

   (i) be outstanding examples representing the major stages of the 
       earth's evolutionary history. This category would include sites 
       which represent the major eras" of geological history such as 
       "the age of reptiles" where the development of the planet's natural 
       diversity can-well be demonstrated and such as the "ice age" 
       where early man and his environment underwent major changes; or 

  (ii) be outstanding examples representing significant ongoing geological 
       processes, biological evolution and man's interaction with his 
       natural environment. As distinct from the periods of the earth's 
       development, this focuses upon ongoing processes in the development 
       of communities of plants and animals, land forms and marine and fresh 
       water bodies. This category would include for example (a) as 
       geological processes, glaciation and volcanism, (b) as biological 
       evolution, examples of biomes such as tropical rainforests, deserts 
       and tundra (c) as interaction between man and his natural environment, 
       terraced agricultural landscapes; or 

 (iii) contain unique, rare or superlative natural phenomena. formations or 
       features Or areas of exceptional natural beauty. such as superlative 
       examples of the most important ecosystems to man, natural features, 
       (for instance, rivers, mountains, waterfalls), spectacles presented 
       by great concentrations of animals, sweeping vistas covered by 
       natural vegetation and exceptional combinations of natural and 
       cultural elements; or 

  (iv) be habitats where populations of rare or endangered species of plants 
       and animals still survive. This category would include those 
       ecosystems in which concentrations of plants and animals of 
       universal interest and significance are found. 

It should be realized that individual sites may not possess the most spectacular 
or outstanding single example of the above, but when the sites are viewed in a 
broader perspective with a complex of many surrounding features of significance, 
the entire area may qualify to demonstrate an array of features of global 

11. In addition to the above criteria, the sites should also meet the 
conditions of integrity. 

   (i) The areas described in 10(i) should contain all or most of the 
       key interrelated and interdependent elements in their natural 
       relationships; for example, an "ice age" area would be expected to 
       include the snow field, the glacier itself and samples of cutting 
       patterns; deposition and colonization (striations, moraines, 
       pioneer stages of plant succession, etc.). 


  (ii) The areas described in 10(ii) should have sufficient size and 
       contain the necessary elements to demonstrate the key aspects of 
       the process and to be self-perpetuating. For example, an area 
       of "tropical rain forest" may be expected to include some variation 
       in elevation above sea level, changes in topography and soil types, 
       river banks or oxbow lakes, to demonstrate the diversity and 
       complexity of the system. 

 (iii) The areas described in 10(iii) should contain those ecosystem 
       components required for the continuity of the species or of the 
       objects to be conserved. This will vary according to individual 
       cases; for example, the protected area for a waterfall would include 
       all, or as much as possible, of the supporting upstream watershed; 
       or a coral reef area would be provided with control over siltation 
       or pollution through the stream flow or ocean currents which provide 
       its nutrients. 

  (iv) The areas described in 10(iv) should be of sufficient size and 
       contain the necessary habitat requirements for the survival of 
       the species. 

D. Format and content of the nominations for inclusion in the World Heritage 

12. The nominations to be submitted by the States Parties to the Convention 
must include all the necessary information and supporting documentation to 
enable the Committee to decide on the eligibility of property for inclusion in 
the World Heritage List. 

13. Nominations by States for inclusion of cultural and natural properties in 
the World Heritage List must be presented in the form of a closely argued 
case, supported by full documentation and bibliography. The same printed form 
shall be used for the cultural and natural heritage. Such a form shall 
request the following type of information and documentation: 

    (i) Specific Location 

          State, Province or Region. 
          Name of property (local and eventually other names). 
          Exact location on map and indication of geographical co-ordinates. 

   (ii) Juridical Status 

          Legal status 
          Responsible administration. 

 (iii) Identification 

          Description and inventory. 
          Maps and/or plans. 
          Photographic and/or cinematographic documentation. 


   (iv) State of preservation/conservation 

          Agent responsible for preservation and conservation. 
          History of preservation/conservation. 
          Proposed projects for preservation/conservation. 
          Means for preservation/conservation (legal, technical, 
          administrative and financial ones, etc.). 
          Management plans. 

   (v) Justification for inclusion in the World Heritage List 

       For cultural property the justification should be based on the 
       criteria listed in paragraph 7. For natural property the 
       justification should be based on the criteria listed in paragraphs 
       10 and 11. 

14. A nomination form shall be prepared and furnished to States Parties 
accompanied by explanatory instructions. The initial form shall be used 
until changes become necessary. States Parties will also be provided with a 
model nomination file. 

E. Procedure and calendar 

15. Until a standard calendar has been adopted by the Committee at its 
second session, the following temporary schedule will prevail: 

    (a) November 1977 
        All States Parties to the Convention will be invited by the Director-
        General of Unesco on behalf of the Committee to submit nominations 
        to the World Heritage List in conformity with the decisions taken 
        by the Committee with respect to the form and content of nominations 
        to the World Heritage List and to the criteria in terms of which 
        the inclusion of properties in the World Heritage List will be
        determined. States Parties will be informed that all nominations 
        to be considered by the World Heritage Committee at its second 
        session should reach the Secretariat by 1 April 1978. Copies of 
        the nomination form will be attached to the letter. 
    (b) April-May 1978 

        The Secretariat on behalf of the Committee will be responsible for: 
               registering each nomination: 
               transmitting nominations to the appropriate international
               organizations who will (i) review and advise the Secretariat
               on the completeness of the documentation and (ii) transmit direct
               to States members of the Committee and to the Secretariat their
               evaluation of the nominations against the agreed criteria;
               contacting, if necessary, the States Parties concerned with a 
               view to completing the information and documentation requested 
               by the World Heritage Committee;
               translating and reproducing the nominations and supporting 
               documentation into the working languages of the World Heritage 
               submitting the nominations to the Bureau of the Committee which 
               will meet early in June 1978. 


A. Format and content of the requests for international assistance 

16. International assistance shall be requested in accordance with a standard 
    format which shall include the following information: 

    (a) country; 

    (b) date of submission; 

    (c) name of property; 

    (d) date of inscription on World Heritage List (if applicable); 

    (e) date of inscription on list of World Heritage in Danger (if 

    (f) brief description of property; 

    (g) detailed description of danger to property (if possible supported 
        by documentary evidence, drawings, maps, etc.); 

    (h) legal status of the property including the protective, legal 
        and administrative measures already taken for the conservation 
        of the property; 

    (i) objectives of proposed project (in terms of scientific or cultural 
        interest, educational value, social and economic benefits, etc.); 

    (j) proposed activities to be undertaken 

            with national financing 

            with assistance under the Convention (breakdown according 
            to categories listed in Article 22 of the Convention); 

    (k) approximate cost of these activities 

            paid nationally 

            requested under the Convention 

    (l) national body responsible for the project and details of project 

17. For the large-scale projects referred to in Article 24 of the Convention, 
the Committee considers it necessary to have, in addition, a more detailed 
project document prepared, which shall include the following information: 

    (a) detailed scientific and technical data concerning the work 
        to be undertaken;

    (b) a detailed analysis of the requirements in equipment, expendable and 
        non-expendable supplies, specialist services, skilled and unskilled 
        labour as well as administrative personnel, etc.;

    (c) the training component (in-service training as well as fellowships 
        for training abroad);

    (d) a presentation of the cost of all items required broken down to 
        reflect local inputs and those which must come from external sources;


    (e) schedule showing the desirable starting date; flow of funds, 
        equipment supplies and personnel; and, the overall flow of 
        activities of the programme; 

    (f) a statement and supporting analysis where appropriate of the 
        social and environmental impact of the project. 

B. Procedure for consideration of requests for international assistance 

18. The Committee agreed to adopt the following procedure: 

    (a) The Director-General, on behalf of the Committee, shall inform 
        States Parties that they may submit requests for international 
        assistance which, according to the terms of Article 21(1) of the 
        Convention' "should define the operation contemplated, the work 
        that is necessary, the expected cost thereof, the degree of urgency 
        and the reasons why the resources of the State requesting 
        assistance do not allow it to meet all the expenses" concerning: 

         (i) properties included in the World Heritage List or 
             nominated for inclusion therein; 

        (ii) the identification of property which, according to Article 13(2) 
             may be financed "when preliminary investigations have shown 
             that further inquiries would be Justified"; 

       (iii) the training of staff and specialists at all levels in the 
             field of identification, protection, conservation, 
             presentation and rehabilitation of the cultural and natural 
             heritage; and 

        (iv) support for national or regional centres for the training of 
             staff and specialists referred to in Article 23 of the Convention;

        States Parties shall also be informed that requests to be considered by 
        the Committee at its second session should reach the Secretariat by 
        1 April 1978. 

    (b) The Secretariat on behalf of the Committee, shall be responsible for: 

            registering each request; 

            assisting in completing the requests (if necessary); 

            translating and reproducing the requests; and 

            submitting the requests to the States members of the 
            Committee before its 1978 session. 

C. Order of priorities for the granting of international assistance 

19. Without prejudicing the provisions of the Convention, which shall always 
prevail, the Committee agreed on the following order of priorities with 
respect to the type of activities to be assisted under the Convention: 


    emergency measures to save property which is in immediate danger of total 
    destruction or disappearance; 

    preparatory assistance, i.e. preparation of projects to safeguard property 
    which is in danger; 

    preparation of inventories for the World Heritage List; 

    projects which are likely to have a multiplier effect ("seed money") 
    because they; 

           stimulate general interest in conservation; 

           contribute to the advancement of scientific research; 

           contribute to the training of specialized personnel; 

           generate contributions from other sources. 

20. The Committee also agreed that the following factors would in principle 
govern its decisions with respect to assistance under the Convention: 

    (i)   the urgency of the work and of the protective measures to be taken; 

    (ii)  the legislative, administrative and financial commitment of the 
          recipient State to preserve and manage the property; 

    (iii) the cost of the project; 

    (iv)  the interest for and exemplary value of the project in respect 
          of scientific research and the development of economic conservation 

    (v)   the educational value both for the training of local experts and 
          for the general public; 

    (vi)  the cultural and ecological benefits accruing from the project; and 

    (vii) the consequences from the social and economic points of view. 

21. Properties included in the World Heritage List shall be considered as being 
of equal value. For this reason, the criteria proposed above make no 
reference to the relative value of properties. The criteria related to scientific 
interest covers inter alia, the proposed use on the project of new methods 
and techniques in conservation, i.e. "pilot projects" carried out with the 
most economical means which would have an exemplary value. By "educational value" 
is meant the training opportunities that would arise for local staff and the 
impact which the project would have on the awareness and appreciation of the 
general public, not only in the country in which the property is located, but on a 
world-wide scale. 

D. Standard agreement to be concluded with States receiving international 

22. An agreement will be concluded between the Committee and the State Party 
receiving assistance under the Convention. Under this agreement, the 
recipient State will undertake to continue to protect, conserve and present the 
property safeguarded with the assistance provided under the Convention. The 
Secretariat will prepare a draft standard agreement and transmit it as soon as 
possible to the members of the Committee for examination at its second session. 


E. Financial regulations for the World Heritage Fund 

23. The Committee took note of the financial regulations of the World 
Heritage Fund, as set out in document CC-77/CONF.001/3. 


24. The Committee decided that the following organizations would be invited 
to send observers to future sessions of the Committee: 

       United Nations; 
       United Nations Development Programme; 
       United Nations Environment Programme; 
       Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; 
       World Food Programme; 
       International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; 
       Interamerican Development Bank; 
       Afro-Malagasy and Mauritian Cultural Institute; 
       Arab Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization; 
       Council of Europe; 
       Organization of African Unity; 
       Organization of American States; 
       Organization for Museums, Monuments and Sites in Africa; 
       South-East Asian Ministers of Education Organization; 
       International Council of Museums; 
       International Federation of Landscape Architects; 
       International Organization for the Protection of Works of Art; 
       International Union of Architects. 

Any other international organization which may develop programmes of heritage 
conservation may also be invited in an observer capacity. 

The Chairman of the International Fund for the Promotion of Culture may 
also be invited to attend as an observer, 


25. When setting the boundary of a property to be nominated to the List, the 
concept of a buffer zone around the property may be applied where 
appropriate and feasible. In such instances the nominations would include: 

   (a) a precise definition of the surface area of the property itself, 
       including the sub-surface area where necessarY; and 

   (b) an indication of the buffer zone around the property itself (i.e. 
       the natural or man-made surroundings that influence the physical 
       state of the property or the way in which the property is perceived). 

Such buffer zones would be determined in each case through technical studies and 
provided with adequate protection. 


26. As far as possible, States Parties should include, in their submissions, 
properties which combine in a significant way cultural and natural features 
of outstanding universal value. 

27. In order to ensure efficient execution of projects, for which assistance 
has been granted from the World Heritage Fund, a single body - whether 
national, regional, local, public or private - should be entrusted with the 
responsibility of executing the project in the State Party concerned. 
