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World Heritage Convention

54 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Year start: 1990close
Year end: 1990close
Session: 14COM 1990close
By Year
7. The Committee adopted the agenda that had been proposed to it, deciding to examine, under Other Business, the possibility of authorizing the Bureau to approve the report of the Committee before it is presented to the next General Conference of Unesco.
8. Ms. Christina S. Cameron (Canada) was elected Chairperson of the Committee by acclamation. Ms. Vlad-Borrelli (Italy) was elected as the Rapporteur, and the following members of the Committee were elected Vice-Chairpersons: Bulgaria, Mexico, Senegal, Thailand and Tunisia.
15. The Committee examined nineteen nominations. It decided to inscribe seventeen properties on the World Heritage List and one property on the List of World Heritage in Danger, and to defer the examination of one property. Moreover, after review of the respective proposals, the Committee decided to extend one listed property and to modify the boundaries of two other properties already inscribed on the List.
16. Germany informed the Committee of its decision to withdraw Wörlitz, Quedlinburg, Magdeburg and Dresden from nomination to the World Heritage List.
17. The following nominations were not considered by the Committee because of the Bureau's decision to defer their examination: El Vizcaino (Mexico), Vilnius and Old Nissa (USSR).
Palaces and parks of Potsdam and Berlin 532 Germany  C(i)(ii)(iv) The Committee noted with satisfaction that the additional nomination, including the Palaces and Parks of Berlin-Zehlendorf (Glienecke and Pfaueninsel), adds to the coherence of the initial nomination of the Palaces and Gardens of Potsdam-Sanssouci. The Committee pointed out to the German authorities that it would be advisable to include the Sacrow Church and its park in the protected area.
Tsingy de Bemaraha Strict Nature Reserve 494Rev Madagascar N(iii)(iv)  The Committee noted with satisfaction that a site management and protection plan had just been developed and that it would be implemented by Unesco with funds in trust provided by Germany.
Te Wahipounamu - South West New Zealand 551 New Zealand N(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The Committee noted that this property would henceforth encompass two properties already inscribed on the World Heritage List: Westland/Mount Cook National Park and Fiordland National Park.
Tongariro National Park 421Rev New Zealand N(ii)(iii) The Committee congratulated the New Zealand authorities for having improved the management and protection of this site, particularly by limiting tourism developments and taking greater account of the cultural values of Tongariro.
La Amistad  552 Panama N(ii)(iv) The Committee asked the Secretariat to invite the Panamanian and Costa Rican authorities to propose the inclusion of this property and the Costa Rican property already inscribed on the List as a single site - Talamanca Range/La Amistad - and to work together on the joint management of this property.
Rio Abiseo National Park 548 Peru N(ii)(iii)(iv) The Committee noted that this site also had cultural values and that additional information would be provided by the State Party in this respect.
Historic Centre of Leningrad and related groups of monuments 540 USSR C (i) (ii) (iv) (vi) The Committee recommended strongly that the responsible authorities reinforce control over the development of polluting industries and ensure a better balance between industrial areas and listed areas. It also recommended that particular care be exercised as to the possible establishment of new tourism infrastructures, especially hotel facilities.
Itchan Kala 543 USSR C(iii)(iv)(v) The Committee recommended that the authorities concerned safeguard a broad buffer zone corresponding to the area of Dichan-Kala and apply very strict urban standards to the north of Itchan Kala, in the area corresponding to the new urban centre of Khiva, where buildings of excessive height have already been constructed. The Committee also recommended that the authorities concerned ensure that the city of Itchan Kala continue to be inhabited by its traditional ...
Sites: Itchan Kala
Khizi Pogost 544 USSR C(i)(iv)(v) The Committee recommended that the authorities concerned maintain the present balance between the natural and built environment, since the introduction of new homes or wooden churches south of Kizhi Island alters the historical and visual characteristics of the site. The Committee congratulated the authorities concerned on the recent adoption of a conservation policy that is more in harmony with local traditions and expertise.
Sites: Kizhi Pogost
Kremlin and Red Square, Moscow 545 USSR C(i) (ii) (iv) (vi) The Committee recommended that the authorities concerned observe the present configuration of the site, particularly the balance between the monuments and non-built areas.
Colonial city of Santo Domingo 526 Dominican Republic C(ii) (iv) (vi) The Committee approved the conclusions of the expert report submitted, enabling it to consider this property, and suggested that the Secretariat and ICOMOS participate with the Dominican authorities in any study concerning the rehabilitation of historic districts.
Kiev: Saint Sophia Cathedral and related monastic buildings, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra 527 Ukrainian SSR C(i)(ii)(iii)(iv) The Committee recommended that the authorities concerned respect the environment of these two outstanding monumental ensembles.
In response to the invitation extended by the World Heritage Committee at its twelfth session, the Holy See and Italy, each according to its competence, submitted a joint request for the inclusion of the extra­territorial properties of the Holy See which are located in the historic centre of Rome, extended to the walls of Urban VIII. The properties concerned are as follows: Complesso dei San Giovanni in Laterano (Basilica, Palazzo Apostolico Lateranense, edifici annessi, Scala santa); Complesso di Santa Maria Maggiore (Basilica, edifici annessi); Palazzo di San Callisto, in ...
Timbuktu 119Rev Mali The Committee decided to inscribe this property on the List of World Heritage in Danger due to the threat of sand encroachment. A programme to safeguard the property has been set up in order to combat the most pressing dangers, including the consolidation of the Djingareiber Mosque and improvement of terrace rainwater drainage systems.
Sites: Timbuktu
Lake District  422Rev United Kingdom At the request of the authorities of the United Kingdom, the Committee re-examined the nomination of the Lake District to the World Heritage List as a cultural property, based on a recommendation by ICOMOS that it be so included. The Committee discussed this case in detail and, although many members showed great interest in including this property, no consensus could be reached. The Committee felt that it did not have sufficiently clear criteria to allow it to rule on this type of property. It was recalled that the lack of appropriate criteria ...
Olympic National Park (United States of America) The Committee welcomed the United States' proposal to include the coastal strip in the Olympic National Park, following its recommendation at its Fifth Session in 1981, when the site was inscribed. The Committee approved the new boundaries of this property.
Canadian Rocky Mountains Parks (Canada) The Committee welcomed the Canadian proposal to include, in the Rocky Mountains Parks site, Mount Robson, Hamber and Assiniboine Provincial Parks, following its request at its Eighth Session in 1984 when the site was inscribed. The Committee approved the new boundaries of this property.
19. The Committee congratulated the Secretariat on the quality of its report on the monitoring of the state of conservation of world heritage cultural properties. It noted the various situations brought to its attention and was particularly pleased to see that the Director General of Unesco had informed Egyptian authorities of the concerns expressed by the Bureau at its fourteenth session in June 1990 regarding planned construction work in the pyramid fields from Giza to Dahshur, Egypt. In this connection, the Committee confirmed that it wished to examine, in due time, the master plan ...
Royal Chitwan National Park (Nepal) The Committee noted with satisfaction that, following the concerns expressed by the Bureau in June 1990 about the possible impact of an irrigation project whereby as much as 75 percent of the waters of the Rapti River would be diverted, the said project was reassessed by the Asian Development Bank and the Government of Nepal and that it would probably be modified significantly to minimize its negative impact on the environment. The Committee requested the Secretariat and IUCN to monitor the progress of this issue until a final decision is reached and ...
Manovo-Gounda St. Floris National Park (Central African Republic) The Committee took note of IUCN's concerns about the integrity of this property, which is still threatened by heavy poaching despite an EEC­financed project to restore the park. The Committee also noted that a preliminary report on the implementation of this project should be available within one year and requested the Secretariat and IUCN to continue to monitor the state of conservation of this property.
Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve (Guinea and Cote d'Ivoire) The Committee took note of the information supplied by IUCN concerning the Mount Nimba mining project and the fact that this project, according to IUCN, would threaten the intrinsic value and integrity which had justified the inscription of this property on the World Heritage List. The IUCN General Assembly, which had just ended in Australia, adopted a resolution urging the Guinean authorities not to allow this project and to implement a development plan for the region which would insure the protection of the site. The Guinean ...
Niokola-Koba National Park (Senegal) The Committee noted with satisfaction that, in response to the concerns expressed by the Bureau, a comparative environmental impact study of the two road project proposals (through and north of the Park) had been conducted with the financial support of the World Heritage Fund. The study had only just been completed and its results were not yet available for submission to the Committee. The Secretariat will transmit the results to the Bureau at its next session.
Hierapolis-Pamukkale (Turkey) The Committee noted with satisfaction the information provided by the Turkish observer concerning the problems of management identified by IUCN. The site had now been designated as a special protected area and the preparation of a new management plan would be discussed at a workshop to be held in 1991 and for which financial assistance may be sought from the World Heritage Fund.
Wood Buffalo National Park (Canada) The Committee noted with satisfaction the information provided by the Canadian representative concerning the various threats to this asset which had been identified by IUCN. First, concerning the diseased bison suffering from brucellosis and tuberculosis, the Canadian representative stated that solutions other than the wholesale slaughter of all the herds were being sought in consultation with all the parties concerned, and that the approach now preferred would consist in eliminating only diseased animals and placing the remaining herds under ...
Manas Wildlife Sanctuary (India) The Committee was concerned to note that the reserve was still occupied by Bodo Tribesmen, and that poaching and illegal removal of vegetation was continuing. The Committee expressed the view that this property met the criteria for inscription on the List of World Heritage in Danger and instructed the Secretariat to suggest to the Indian authorities that they consider such an inscription.
Keoladeo National Park (India) The Committee noted that the state of conservation of these wetlands, which are also a Ramsar site, had formed the subject of a detailed report prepared under the Ramsar Convention which indicated that the site was threatened by the invasion of Paspalum grass and insufficient water delivery, leading to a decline in the number of migrating Siberian Cranes. Despite a number of corrective measures, the situation remains one of concern and the Committee requested IUCN to continue monitoring the state of conservation of this ...
Galapagos (Ecuador) The Committee noted that this site was facing two separate threats: on the one hand, Japanese, Korean and Taiwanese fishermen last year captured some 40,000 sharks in the waters adjacent to the site; this intensive fishing was halted following protests by international organizations, but the effectiveness of the ban was uncertain; on-the other hand, tourist pressure on the park has increased considerably to a level far beyond the park's estimated visitor capacity. The Committee was pleased to note that remedial measures to counter these threats were being considered; ...
Olympic National Park (U.S.A.) The Committee noted with satisfaction that the USA authorities had proposed the addition of the Pacific coastal strip to the property inscribed in 1981, in accordance with the request made by the Committee.
Hawaiian Volcanoes National Park (U.S.A.) The Committee was pleased with the progress noted by IUCN in the state of conservation and in the management of this property.
Canadian Rocky Mountains Parks (Canada) The Committee noted with satisfaction that the Canadian authorities had proposed the addition of Mount Robson, Hamber and Assiniboine Provincial Parks to the property originally inscribed in 1984, as requested by the Committee.
La Amistad/Talamanca Range (Costa Rica) The Committee noted the need to review the original boundaries. of this site in order to exclude those areas not of outstanding universal value and extend the site to include the expanded Talamanca and Chirripo National Parks. The Committee asked the Secretariat to suggest to the Costa Rican authorities that they set the new boundaries of this property in response to IUCN's suggestion.
Garamba National Park (Zaire) The Committee was pleased with the significant improvement in the state of conservation of this property, which the Zairian authorities were preparing to ask be taken off the List of World Heritage in Danger. The Committee wished to continue to be kept informed of the state of conservation of this property, which was the focus of a major rehabilitation project supported by a consortium of donors including the World Heritage Fund.
Kahuzi-Biega National Park (Zaire) The Committee expressed concern about the proposed construction of a highway along the existing line of a little-used old colonial road that crosses this park. If built, this highway would be the main link between the densely populated regions of the Great Lakes of Central Africa and the navigable part of the Zaire River. The Committee noted the existence of an alternative route to the north of Kahuzi-Biega and asked that a comparative study of the two routes be conducted. The Committee instructed the Secretariat to inform the Zairian authorities and ...
26. As the Bureau requested during its last session, the French representative reported on the siltation problems at Mont St. Michel and its Bay. The Committee noted with satisfaction the planned siltation control works, including the demolition of the dike providing access to Mont St. Michel and its present parking facilities and the replacement of this dike with a bridge that will reestablish water circulation. The Committee wished to encourage the French authorities to implement these projects as soon as ...
27. The representative of Senegal informed the Committee that a bilaterally financed project would be carried out at the Djoudj National Bird Sanctuary to improve the management of this property and enhance the control of water levels.
Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve (Honduras) The Committee noted that the Honduran authorities had submitted to the Secretariat a nomination of this property to the List of World Heritage in Danger. The Committee was unable to make a decision on this nomination, however, in the absence of any request for international assistance for this property pursuant to article 11.4 of the Convention. The Committee consequently urged the Honduran authorities to prepare and submit such a request as soon as possible.
28. The Committee congratulated the Secretariat for the many activities carried out in 1990. They are presented in document CC-90/CONF.004/5, which is focused on the implementation and dissemination of background material on the Convention, on the production of films and features on World Heritage Sites and on the planning of exhibitions in States Parties and other States. 29. With respect to the distribution of video-cassettes, the Committee noted that non-commercial distribution was insured by Unesco's distribution network, but that commercial distribution posed a number of legal ...
33. The Committee noted with satisfaction the proposals submitted by the Secretariat in document CC-90/CONF.004/6 regarding two separate exercises designed to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Convention: on the one hand, an assessment of the implementation of the Convention and the preparation of a strategy for the future; on the other, promotional events designed to make the Convention better known. 34. The Committee felt that, although these were two separate exercises, there was a great deal to be said for regarding them as complementary so as to make 1992 a ...
46. The Committee examined the document prepared by the Secretariat in this regard and congratulated the Secretariat on its clear presentation of the requests submitted. Considering the Bureau's recommendations, the Committee decided to approve the following requests: A - TECHNICAL CO-OPERATION CULTURAL PROPERTIES 1.  Ngorongoro Conservation Area (United Republic of Tanzania) US$49,782Purchase of a Land Rover and radio equipment for the archaeological and paleontological site of Olduvai. 2.  Studenica Monastery (Yugoslavia) US$51,000Purchase of computer and photographic ...
B - TRAINING 1. International Course on Stone Conservation Technology (ICCROM-Unesco) US$40,000Participation of 12 fellowship recipients from developing countries in the course, which will be held in May and June 1991 in Venice, and financial contribution to the fees and travel expenses of the lecturers. 2. Regional Training Course for the Conservation of Murals (ICCROM) US$40,000Fees and travel costs of five lecturers and participation of 16 fellowship recipients, who are restorers from South and Southeast Asia in a course which will be held in Lucknow (India). 3. Training Course in ...
48. The Committee examined document CC-90/CONF.004/8 presenting the status of contributions to the World Heritage Fund for the years 1981-1983, 1984-1985, 1986-1987, 1988-1989 and 1990-1991, the situation for the 1988-1989 financial period, and the status of implementation of international assistance projects approved in 1989 and 1990. The statement on the use of the budget approved for 1990 and an estimate of the budget for 1991 were also submitted to the Committee. 49. The Committee followed the recommendations of the Bureau and decided to adopt the following budget for ...
50. The report of the Secretariat was presented and the voluntary work of the Bulgarian Delegate (study on the Mediaeval sites in the Balkans) and of the two experts seconded by the Greek Ministry of Culture for one month (three studies made available to the Committee). These three studies, on the Graeco-Hellenistic and correlated cultures, the Roman and correlated cultures and the Byzantine and correlated cultures were based on an examination of sites already listed, those on tentative lists and with the addition of sites proposed by the experts to fill gaps. In the case of Roman ...
Equitable representation of different regions and cultures of the world 58. The Committee considered the document on Equitable Representation (CC-90/CONF.004/INF.4). The Secretariat noted that it had followed this question closely over years and that it was difficult to make any more suggestions since ultimately this was a decision for the Committee.  59. In respect of paragraph 5(iii), the Secretariat emphasized that it could be difficult for States to indicate at the time of their candidature the names of experts who would represent them for the duration of their term of office. ...
69. The fifteenth session of the Bureau of the Committee will be held in Paris from 17 to 21 June 1991. For this occasion only, the session will last five days rather than four, given the especially full agenda for this session, at which, among other things, the Bureau must examine the issue of adopting new criteria allowing the examination of cultural landscapes for inclusion in the World Heritage List. 70. The Secretariat informed the Committee that the Government of Greece had indicated its intention to invite the Committee to hold its seventeenth session in that country in 1993. In ...