World Heritage Centre World Heritage Centre - Committee Decisions 90 en Copyright 2024 UNESCO, World Heritage Centre Thu, 19 Sep 2024 12:41:37 EST UNESCO, World Heritage Centre - Decisions 14 COM XII.B Requests for International Assistance: Training B - TRAINING

1. International Course on Stone Conservation Technology (ICCROM-Unesco) US$40,000
Participation of 12 fellowship recipients from developing countries in the course, which will be held in May and June 1991 in Venice, and financial contribution to the fees and travel expenses of the lecturers.

2. Regional Training Course for the Conservation of Murals (ICCROM) US$40,000
Fees and travel costs of five lecturers and participation of 16 fellowship recipients, who are restorers from South and Southeast Asia in a course which will be held in Lucknow (India).

3. Training Course in Natural Resources Conservation and in the Management of Protected Areas (France-Cameroon) US$30,000
The Committee approved this request in the amount of US$30,000 (instead of the requested US$36,000) and hoped that this training would be offered to a larger number of African participants.

]]> Fri, 07 Dec 1990 00:00:00 EST
15 BUR VIII.56 Requests for International Assistance After having taken cognizance of document SC.91/CONF.001/5, the Bureau approved  request for international assistance in the amount of US$ 30,000 submitted by Cuba for the purchase of 183 cubic metres of timber for the restoration of the structural frames and  panelling of a group of XVIIIthe and XIXth century houses situated in the historic centre of Trinidad.

The Bureau wished the architects of the Regional Office for Culture for Latin America and the Caribbean, based in Havana and already involved in the international campaign for the preservation of the Plaza Vieja in that city, to be associated with the restoration work which was to be carried out in Trinidad.

La Amistad National Park (Costa Rica):

The Bureau recalled that the Committee, at its last session, approved US$ 50,000 for this site under two conditions, and instructed the Bureau to determine whether these conditions had been met before deciding whether to award an appropriate amount to Costa Rica.

The Bureau concluded that neither of the two conditions, i.e. completion of the implementation of projects for which funds had already been provided and the revision of the Park's boundaries in accordance with IUCN recommendations, had been completely met.

Hence, the Bureau deferred the decision on awarding any part of the US$ 50,000 until next session of the Committee in December 1991.

]]> Mon, 17 Jun 1991 00:00:00 EST
15 COM XII.A-B Requests for International Assistance

A. Technical co-operation

The Committee approved the following requests:




The Madara Rider (Bulgaria)



Purchase of equipment for drilling, measurement and urgent cleaning of the monument 


Saint-Stephen Church in Nessebar (Bulgaria)



Restoration of mural paintings of Saint-Stephen Church 


Pyramid Plateau at Giza (Egypt)



Costs for three international experts (an economist, an archaeologist and a landscape designer) in the elaboration of a Master Plan


International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM)



The Committee, in accordance with Article 23 of the Convention, approved this project for supplying technical documentation and equipment and materials


Machu Picchu Historic Sanctuary (Peru)



Contribution for the period April-December 1992 for the preparation of a Master Plan 


Niokolo-Koba National Park (Senegal)



Purchase of two all-terrain vehicles


Furthermore, the Committee recommended that the Secretariat request the Senegalese authorities to provide details of schedules and technical modalities for the implementation of measures to mitigate the environmental impacts of the road construction project in this Park


Ichkeul National Park (Tunisia)



Consultancy, equipment, design and construction costs for a centre to improve presentation of the Park to visitors 


Garamba National Park (Zaire)



Purchase and shipment of three all-terrain motor cycles for patrolling of the Park


Virunga National Park (Zaire)



Purchase of one motor-boat and of spare parts for two boats already purchased and freight charges.

The Committee deferred its decision on the following requests:


Talamanca-La Amistad Reserves (Costa Rica)

The Committee recalled that at its last session it approved US $ 50,000 for this site to be released on the condition that projects financed by funds already approved are completed. The Committee noted the implementation of those projects remained at the same level as reported at its last session. Hence the Committee instructed the Bureau to re-examine the situation at its next session before deciding to award the US$ 50,000 approved by the Committee in 1990.


Hal Saflieni Hypogeum (Malta)

The Committee requested the State Party to submit to the next session of the Bureau a technical report justifying the need for the installation of an air-­conditioner in the hypogeum of this site.


Simien National Park (Ethiopia)


Recognizing that reconstruction work in this Park, which was abandoned by Park staff in 1985, could begin soon, the Committee decided to set aside US$ 50,000 from the 1992 budget for the re-habilitation of the Simien National Park. The Committee authorized the Chairman to use these funds to support appropriate projects to be developed by the Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation organization, in consultation with IUCN and the Secretariat.

B. Training

The Committee, in accordance with Article 23 of the Convention, provided financial assistance to the following international or regional training courses:


International Course on the Preservation and the Restoration of Monuments and Historic Sites (University of Bahia, Brazil)



The Committee recommended that the funds be used to support the participation of specialists from Latin American and Caribbean States Parties to the Convention and that States Parties which had not received fellow­ships in the past be given preference during 1992. The Committee also recommended the authorities organizing the course to submit the list of trainees selected for the course for the approval of the Secretariat.


Regional Training Seminar for Francophone Africa on the Management of National Parks, in 'W' National Park of Niger(ENGREF/France and FSA/Niamey, Niger)



Mobile Regional Training Course for Protected Area Managers from South-Central Asia (Wildlife Institute of India (WII), Dehra Dun, India)



The Committee requested that the Secretariat obtain written approval of the Ministry of Environment and Forests of India for the organization of this course. 


The Committee welcomed the offer from the Delegation of USA to make available the equivalent of US$ 30,000, in Indian Rupees, through the Indo-US Sub-Commission on Science and Technology which is already supporting similar training courses. The Committee recommended that the Secretariat, in co-operation with the USA and Indian authorities, take the necessary steps to use the offer made by the Delegation of USA so that part or whole of the amount approved by the Committee for this course could be saved to support other international assistance projects. 

]]> Mon, 09 Dec 1991 00:00:00 EST
16 BUR VI.49 Monitoring of the state of conservation of cultural World Heritage properties, and related technical problems - Monitoring of the state of conservation of properties in Mediterranean countries 49. The Bureau took note of the information provided by the Secretariat and decided to set aside a sum of US$30,000 for urgent activities to be undertaken for the restoration of Dubrovnik.

]]> Mon, 06 Jul 1992 00:00:00 EST
16 BUR VIII.65 Requests for International Assistance Hal Saflieni Hypogeum (Malta)

65. The Bureau requested that ICOMOS examine the justifications provided by the Maltese authorities for the need to install an air-conditioning system at this World Heritage site and assess the relative merits of different options available for solving problems caused by internal humidity.

The Bureau recommended that the Committee, at its next session, take a decision on this request on the basis of information submitted by the State Party and the report from ICOMOS.

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16 BUR VIII.66 Requests for International Assistance City of Potosi (Bolivia)

66. The Bureau requested the Secretariat to contact the Bolivian authorities to obtain information on the links between the World Heritage site of Potosi and the proposed rehabilitation project for the lagoons.

The Bureau recommended that the Committee, at its next session, assess, on the basis of the requested information, the importance of the work to rehabilitate the lagoons to the conservation of the World Heritage city and decide whether or not this project qualifies for international assistance from the World Heritage Fund.

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16 BUR VIII.67 Requests for International Assistance Plitvice Lake National Park (Republic of Croatia)

67. The Bureau decided to set aside US$30,000 as emergency assistance to undertake an expert mission to this site to assess damage caused by armed conflict in Croatia and to prepare and initiate the implementation of an international assistance project for the rehabilitation of the site.

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16 BUR VIII.68 Requests for International Assistance Istanbul (Turkey)

68. The Bureau, while agreeing in principle to providing support for the continuation of the restoration of mosaics of Saint Sophia in Istanbul, noted that the project approved in 1991 under the World Heritage Fund is expected to be completed by the end of 1992.

The Bureau requested that the Committee at its forthcoming session in Santa Fe, review the report of the project which is currently underway and other information from studies that are being undertaken by the Turkish authorities and decide on an appropriate amount to assist in the continuation of the restoration of the mosaics of St Sophia.

]]> Mon, 06 Jul 1992 00:00:00 EST
16 COM XI.A-B Requests for International Assistance The Committee examined document WHC-92/CONF/002/8, 8Add. and 8Add.2, as well as information on additional requests received by the Committee from States Parties during its session, and approved the following projects:

A. Technical Co-operation                                            US$

Galapagos National Park (Ecuador)                             29,000
Revision of the Management Plan to harmonize its goals and objectives to that of the tourism and conservation plan. The Committee instructed the Centre to provide these funds to the Galapagos authorities on the condition that they finalise the implementation of on-going projects receiving assistance from the World Heritage Fund and nominate in 1993, the marine park as an extension to the World Heritage site.

Old City of Cairo (Egypt)                                                            50,000
Restoration of monuments and sites damaged by the earthquake which occurred in Cairo and elsewhere in Egypt in October 1992.

Mt. Nimba Nature Reserve (Cote d'Ivoire/ Guinea)            35,000
Organization of an interdisciplinary mission to ascertain boundaries of the site in Guinea, assess impacts of iron-ore mining projects and influx of refugees into the region and plan integrated rural development projects benefiting the local population. The Committee instructed the Centre to contact donors such as UNDP and the World Bank to explore the feasibility of obtaining funds for the organization of the interdisciplin­ary mission and to keep costs of organizing this mission to the minimum possible level.

Historic Areas of Istanbul (Turkey)                                          30,000
Provision of materials and equipment for the restoration of mosaics in St. Sophia.

World Heritage Cities Organization                                 50,000
Support to allow participation at the General Assembly and colloquium of the World Heritage Cities Network, mid-1993, Fez, Morocco.

Sub-total (Technical Co-operation) 194,000

B. Training

1. Saudi Arabia                                                              30,000
Organization of a training course (4-19 April, 1993) on protected area management for the Arab region.

2. France/Mali                                                               30,000
Organization of a one-month (January­- February 1993) course for Francophone Africa in ecology and conservation in the Boucle de Baoule Biosphere Reserve, Mali.

The Committee instructed the Centre to request:

a) the organizers to incorporate a component on the philosophy and work of the Convention in the course curriculum;
b) undertake an evaluation of the course, covering the last 5-year period, and providing specific information on the extent to which course participants have returned to African States Parties to assume responsibilities concerned with natural heritage protection;
c) to ensure in the future that these field courses take place, if possible, at an African natural site inscribed on the World Heritage List.

The Committee also requested the Centre to inform the course organizers (ENGREF/France), that contributions from the Fund for this course will, in the future, depend upon the findings of this evaluation.

a) Financial contributions to trainees from States Parties participating in two courses, namely architectural conservation and scientific principles of conservation, respectively, to be held in Rome, Italy, January-March 1993.               30,000

b) Financial contribution to trainees from States Parties participating in the 10th International course on Technology of Stone Conservation and organization of study tours during the course, Venice, Italy, autumn 1993.        44,000

Sub-total (Training) 134,000

The Committee took note of the fact that it approved, at its .fourteenth session in Banff, Canada, a sum of US$50,000 for the Talamanca-La Amistad Reserves of Costa Rica, subject to the State Party satisfying two conditions, viz. that the Costa Rican authorities (a) report on the completion of the projects for which the Committee had already provided funds and, (b) revise the boundaries of the site in accordance with IUCN's recommendations. The Committee was satisfied to note that the Costa Rican authorities have completed the implementation of two of three on-going projects which receive assistance from the World Heritage Fund. The Committee requested the Centre to contact the Costa Rican authorities and to urge them to expedite the implementation of the remaining project and revise the boundaries of the Talamanca-La Amistad Reserves in accordance with IUCN's recommendations.

The Committee took note of the fact that the implementation of the project to prepare a Master Plan for the Machu Picchu Historic Sanctuary, Peru, for which the Committee approved a sum of US$40,000 during its fifteenth session in Carthage, Tunisia, has not progressed according to the timetable foreseen in the project proposal due to changes in the co­operating government agencies.

The Committee was informed by the Regional Coordinator for the UNDP/UNESCO Project on Cultural Heritage in Latin America and the Caribbean that the situation is now stable and that the implementation rate of the project is expected to improve in 1993.

]]> Mon, 07 Dec 1992 00:00:00 EST
17 BUR X.1.A Examination of International Assistance requests - Technical co-operation Dja Faunal Reserve (Cameroon): The Bureau recommended that the Committee approve US$ 40,000 for the purchase of two vehicles for this site subject to the Cameroon authorities paying their dues to the World Heritage Fund, providing detailed information to the Centre on projects implemented in this site with national funds and provide assurance to the Committee that the maintenance of the vehicles will be supervised directly by the manager of the Dja Reserve.

School for the Training of Wildlife Specialists (Cameroon): The Bureau recommended that the Committee re-examine this request for US$ 43,367 for organizing a sub-regional seminar for protected area managers of Francophone Africa in January-February 1994 in the light of information on the proposed programme on the seminar, and a better justification of the estimated expenses of items to be financed by a contribution from the World Heritage Fund.

Comoe National Park (Côte d'Ivoire): The Bureau approved a sum of US$ 30,000 for the purchase of an all-terrain vehicle, as requested by the Director of the Institute of Tropical Ecology (ITE) in Abidjan, subject to the Director of ITE providing information on the benefits which the UNDP/UNESCO study on the Productivity of Savannahs has brought to the management of this World Heritage site and on the organizational links between the authorities responsible for the management of Comoe and ITE.

The Bureau also requested the Centre to contact the Director of ITE and obtain a written commitment that the vehicle will be used for activities directly linked to the protection of this World Heritage site.

Hal Saflieni (Malta): The Bureau approved a sum of US$ 30,000 as a contribution to the installation of an air-conditioning system at the entrance of this World Heritage property.

The Bureau however, requested the Maltese authorities to take all necessary precautions to minimize as far as possible the negative impacts of the installation on the conservation of this property.

Vallee de Mai (Seychelles): The Bureau deferred taking a decision on this request until the forthcoming session of the Committee and urged the Seychelles authorities to:

(a) pay their dues to the World Heritage Fund;

(b) provide their views on the possibility for expanding this site to include additional forests in adjacent areas, as requested by the Committee at the time of inscription of this property on the World Heritage List

and (c) provide supplementary information on the construction plan for the visitor information centre, particularly the location of the centre vis-a-vis the boundaries of the site and measures for mitigating any impacts of construction on this small (18 ha) World Heritage site.

The Bureau noted that IUCN will attend a meeting of the Seychelles Island  Foundation and discuss this matter in detail.

The Bureau urged IUCN to make a site visit to Vallee de Mai in order to assess the state of conservation of the property, emphasizing the potential for increasing its size and assessing the need for the visitor information centre.

]]> Mon, 21 Jun 1993 00:00:00 EST
17 BUR X.1.B Examination of International Assistance requests - Emergency assistance Mt. Nimba Nature Reserve (Côte d'Ivoire/Guinea): The Bureau approved a sum of US$ 30,000 for consultancies and other services necessary for setting up a management regime in the Guinean part of this World Heritage site in Danger.

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17 BUR X.1.C Examination of International Assistance requests - Training Mt. Huangshan (People's Republic of China) - Training in management planning for protected area specialists in China: The Bureau approved a sum of US$ 30,000 for organizing a training workshop in Mt. Huangshan (US$ 20,000) and for supporting the participation of protected area specialists from Asia-Pacific in the CNPPA/IUCN Regional Conference on Protected Areas of East Asia (US$ 10,000) to review the draft management plan of Huangshan prepared as a result of the training workshop.

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17 BUR X.1.D Examination of International Assistance requests - Advisory Bodies IUCN

The Bureau approved a sum of US$ 18,000 to IUCN for the following purposes:

(a) reimbursement of costs for implementing the Bureau's request, made at its last session in July 1992, for assessing measures taken to mitigate impacts of road construction in Niokolo-Koba National Park (Senegal) US$ 12,000

Preparation of a state of conservation report on sangay National Park by IUCN's Regional Office for Latin America US$ 2,000

Contribution for the preparation, by the IUCN Office in Nepal, of state of conservation reports on Sagarmatha and Royal Chitwan National Parks of Nepal US$ 4,000


The Bureau approved a sum of US$ 15,000 for the organization, by ICOMOS in co-operation with the Centre, of an expert meeting on global study.

The Bureau commended the Canadian Government for having provided a total of US$60,000 to the World Heritage Centre, to support ICOMOS investigations in Kizhi Pogost, Russian Federation (US$ 18,750), to organize a meeting to review issues related to authenticity (US$ 18,750) and for monitoring cultural heritage sites in the Asia Pacific region (US$ 22,500).

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17 COM X SOC: Sangay National Park (Ecuador) Sangay National Park (Ecuador) 

The Representative of IUCN recalled that the site was inscribed in 1983 and added to the List of World Heritage in Danger in 1992 due to threats from poachers, boundary encroachment and unplanned road construction. A field mission was conducted by IUCN's Office in Ecuador and the Committee discussed the proposed six-point action plan including the recommendation that an environmental impact assessment of the road construction be undertaken. The technical assistance request for Sangay National Park (US$ 28,500) will be reviewed in the light of the findings of the IUCN field review. The Centre is requested to transmit the Committee's concerns about the impact of the new road to the authorities in Ecuador.

]]> Mon, 06 Dec 1993 00:00:00 EST
17 COM X SOC: Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve (Guinea/Côte d'Ivoire) Mount Nimba Nature Reserve (Guinea/Côte d'Ivoire)

The Committee recalled that this site was inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger at its sixteenth session in 1992. In its presentation, IUCN continued to stress its concern over the long-term risks associated with potential mining operations adjacent to the World Heritage site. It further noted the growing population pressure in the region.

Recalling that a comprehensive report had been submitted to the Bureau in June 1993, the Secretariat highlighted several developments which occurred since the mission in May 1993. A corrected and revised boundary proposal had been submitted by the Government of Guinea in late November 1993. The boundaries correspond to those recommended by the mission and incorporate an area of 17,749 ha. Furthermore, a draft legislation was received in late November 1993 concerning the establishment of an Environmental Conservation Centre to be located on the site in order to coordinate conservation and protection measures in the region.

An additional technical assistance request for US$ 45,000 for the continuing implementation of the mission recommendations relating to the conservation and protection of the site was received. The Committee concurred with findings of the report and took note of the technical assistance request.

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17 COM XIII.2-3 Requests for International Assistance: Overview of Reports on International Assistance XIII.2 After having reviewed the requests for technical cooperation, several delegates recalled that the Committee, during its sixteenth session, signaled the need for a systematic evaluation of World Heritage activities.

In this context the Delegate of Germany proposed that biennial reports be prepared by the Centre and presented to the Committee on the implementation of international assistance provided by the World Heritage Fund. The Delegate pointed out that this information was crucial for the evaluation of successive requests for the same site or project, also in view of the fact that World Heritage funding was increasingly only part of more complex funding mechanisms. The Delegate of Germany proposed that the first report would cover the period 1990-1994 and be presented, after discussion in the Bureau, to the Committee at its next session.

XIII.3 The Director of the Centre proposed to give a first overview of the available reports on international assistance provided by the States Parties at the next Bureau meeting and to decide on the procedure of reporting on the basis of this overview. The Committee adopted this amendment.

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17 COM XIII.A Requests for International Assistance: Technical Assistance XIII.1 The Committee examined document WHC­93/CONF .002/10Rev of 5 December 1993 and the Rapporteur of the outgoing Bureau reported on the requests for international assistance approved by the Bureau as well as on the following recommendations to the Committee:

A. Technical Assistance

Natural Heritage

Sangay National Park, Ecuador
The Committee recalled that Sangay National Park was on the List of World Heritage in Danger. As requested, IUCN presented a monitoring report on the site. The Committee approved a request for US$ 28,500 for communications equipment, solar panels and donkeys and in addition, some graphic materials for interpretation and public communication.

Mount Nimba, Guinea
The Committee recalled that Mount Nimba in Guinea was included on the List of World Heritage in Danger. The Bureau had recommended US$ 30,000 for technical assistance, however, in view of the need for on-site management, the Committee recommended that the full request for US$ 45,000 be approved. The funds should be used to provide for consulting services, operational equipment and on-site protection. In addition, a consultant should assist in the implementation of the new administrative centre for which legislation was being prepared. Furthermore, a consultant would organize a donors' meeting aimed at strengthening the management and protection of the site in association with the Biosphere Reserve Programme.

Komodo National Park, Indonesia
The Bureau recommended to the Committee to approve a sum of US$ 37,000, however after consultation with IUCN which had received new information, the Committee agreed to approve the full request of US $49,500, pending clarification of the training component of the project which involved US$12,500.

The technical assistance request included equipment purchases, staff training, socio-economic studies as well as the construction of wells.

Cultural Heritage

Serra da Capivara National Park, Brazil
The Committee reviewed a request for technical assistance for the Serra da Capivara National Park in Brazil, which consisted of two components: a request for US$ 25,000 for measures to protect some of the most visited rock painting sites and to facilitate visitation to these sites, and a request for US$ 28,000 for the purchase of equipment for the inventory and documentation of the rock paintings.

The Committee, upon the recommendation of the Bureau, approved an amount of US$ 15,000 under preparatory assistance as it was of the opinion that international expertise should be made available to the site managers with the objective to study the most appropriate protective measures for the rock paintings.

The Committee approved also the request for technical assistance for the amount of US$ 28,000 for the purchase of the necessary equipment for inventory and documentation activities.

Old Havana and its fortifications, Cuba
Having taken note of the monitoring report that was presented at its session, the Committee approved a request for technical assistance for the amount of US$ 55,000 for Old Havana. Following the recommendation of the monitoring mission, the Committee decided that these funds should be used exclusively for consolidation and restoration works in buildings that will be used for housing purposes.

Cliffs of Bandiaqara - Land of the Doqons, Mali
As recommended by the Bureau, the Committee approved a request for technical assistance for the amount of US$42, 000 for a pilot inventory project in three of the 300 villages in the site, each one representative of the three human settlement zones that characterize the site (the plateau, the eroded cliffs and the plain). The funds would be used for equipment (US$ 8,000), research (US$ 2,000), international and national expert services (US$ 29,000) and training activities (US$ 3,000).

International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM).

The Committee approved a request for the amount of US$ 25,000 for ICCROM's Technical Assistance programme which provides assistance in the form of material, small equipment, publications and expert services to States Parties.


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17 COM XIII.B Requests for International Assistance: Training B. Training

Natural Heritage

School for the Training of Wildlife Specialists, Garoua/Cameroon
The Committee reviewed a request for US$ 43,667 for a training seminar to be held in Cameroon in 1994. The Committee approved a sum of US$ 35,000 pending receipt by the Centre of more detailed information and a justification of the estimated costs. 

Training Course - ENGREF (France)
The Committee reviewed a request for US$ 40,000 and after considerable discussion approved a sum of US$ 30,000 for a training course by ENGREF to be held in the Tai National Park and World Heritage site. The course was endorsed by the State Party (France). The funds are to be dispersed to facilitate the holding of the course in the World Heritage site as well as for travel and fellowships for participants from developing countries, in particular francophone Africa.

The Centre was requested to contact the course director and to continue discussions vis-a-vis the orientation of the course in relation to the World Heritage Convention and to seek possible linkages with this course and the training school in Garoua. The Committee also requested a comprehensive report from ENGREF on the outcome of the course and the content related to protection and management of World Heritage sites.

Cultural Heritage

Reqional training course of Maghreb architects for the conservation and protection of cultural monuments and sites (1994-1995), Tunisia
The Committee approved a request of US$ 50,000 for a regional training course for architects from countries in the Maghreb that will be held in Tunisia in 1994-1995. The course will be implemented by the National Heritage Institute of Tunisia in collaboration with ICCROM and ICOMOS and will train approximately twenty graduates in conservation and management of cultural heritage.

International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM)
The Committee approved a request for the amount of US$ 75,000 for fellowships for participants from states Parties (developing countries) for three regular ICCROM courses: architectural conservation, conservation of mural paintings and scientific principles of conservation.

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17 COM XIII.C Requests for International Assistance: Emergency Assistance C. Emergency Assistance

Cultural Heritage

Old Walled City of Shibam, Yemen
Having taken note of the state of conservation report presented by the Secretariat which clearly illustrated the emergency situation in Shibam, the Committee approved the request for emergency assistance for the amount of US$ 40,500 for emergency measures regarding the drainage system in Shibam (US$ 30,500) and expert services in this field (US$ 10,000). The Committee asked the Centre to inform the Yemeni authorities that they could submit an additional emergency request for consideration by the Bureau at its next session and to transmit its concern that maintenance programmes should be set up so as to avoid further damage to the site in the future.

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17 EXT.BUR V.A.1.1.1 Examination of requests for International Assistance - Réserve naturelle de Faune à Okapi de l'Ituri (Zaire)


A.1 Requests on which the Bureau took a decision

A.1.1 Preparatory assistance

A.1.1.1 Réserve naturelle de Faune à Okapi de l'Ituri (Zaire)

The Bureau took note of the preparatory assistance request by Zaire being reduced from US$15,000 to US$10,000.

Further, following the advice of a WWF project at the site, the Bureau decided to further reduce this sum to US$ 3,000. It was noted that the current level of legal protection was inadequate and the site should be upgraded to National Parks legislation prior to an eventual nomination.

]]> Sat, 04 Dec 1993 00:00:00 EST