World Heritage Centre World Heritage Centre - Committee Decisions 90 en Copyright 2024 UNESCO, World Heritage Centre Mon, 23 Sep 2024 18:06:10 EST UNESCO, World Heritage Centre - Decisions 6 COM VIII.22 Nominations the World Heritage List: Old Stone Town of Zanzibar The Committee also decided that the Old Stone Town of Zanzibar which had been nominated by Tanzania should not be considered further for inclusion in the World Heritage List.

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6 COM VIII.23 Nominations to the World Heritage List: Medici Villas in the Florentine region The delegate of Italy informed the Committee that the Italian authorities withdraw the nomination of the Medici Villas in the Florentine region.

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6 COM VIII.24 Nominations to the World Heritage List: Kirthar National Park and Lal Sohanra National Park The delegate of Pakistan requested the Committee to postpone consideration of the nominations of Kirthar National Park and Lal Sohanra National Park since the Government of Pakistan wished to have the opportunity to provide further information on these two sites before a final decision was taken by the Committee.

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6 COM VIII.25 Nominations to the World Heritage List With respect to the nomination by the Syrian Arab Republic of Aleppo, the Rapporteur recalled the request made by the Bureau that the Syrian authorities should :

  • provide a clear definition of the zones granted absolute protection in Aleppo; and
  • adapt an urbanization policy analogous to that advocated in the report of the Unesco mission to Aleppo.

As soon as these additional steps have been taken, the Syrian authorities are invited to inform the Secretariat so that the nomination can be re-examined. This information should reach the Secretariat by the end of February 1983 to enable the Bureau to take up this nomination at its next session.

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6 COM X.28-35 Nomination of the "Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls" to the list of World Heritage in danger 28. The Rapporteur recalled that the Bureau, on the proposal of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, examined the request for the inclusion of the "Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls" in the List of World Heritage in Danger, and that, since a consensus could not be reached on this nomination, the Bureau declared that "it will be for the Committee, at its sixth session, to take in this respect the decision which in any case has to be taken by the Committee".

29. At the Committee's request, ICOMOS pursued its examination of the file concerning this nomination. In this examination, ICOMOS took into account the following points :

a) in giving a favourable opinion, in April 1981, on the inscription of this property on the World Heritage List, ICOMOS had already drawn attention to the "severe destruction followed by a rapid urbanization";

(b) the mission of experts, entrusted with the task of verifying in situ "the nature and the extent of the threats", had not been able to proceed to Jerusalem, for reasons beyond the control of ICOMOS;

c) in the absence of a statement dating from 1982, ICOMOS has referred to reports made between 1970 and 1980, at the request of the Director-General of Unesco, by his personal representative, Professor Lemaire.

Consequently, ICOMOS considered that the situation, as described by the personal representative of the Director-General, meets criteria proposed for the inscription of properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger as they apply to both "ascertained danger" and "potential danger".

30. The delegate of the United States, while underlining the universal importance of the monuments and spiritual heritage of Jerusalem, recalled the position taken by his government when the Old City had been nominated to the World Heritage List and explained the reasons for which he was opposed to its inscription on the List of World Heritage in Danger which would be equally contrary to the Convention. He stressed that a property must be situated in the territories of the nominating State and, in the opinion of his government, Jordan had no standing to make such a nomination. Furthermore, the consent of Israel would be required since it effectively controlled Jerusalem. His Government held that the ultimate status of Jerusalem should be determined through negotiations by all the parties concerned. The urban transformations that had taken place in the Old City did not constitute "serious and specific dangers". The documents referred to in the ICOMOS analysis did not present a compelling case in favour of inscription, the nomination file did not contain the urban plan called for by the Bureau and Jordan was in no position to assume the responsibility stipulated in Article 26 of the Convention. He proposed that the Committee reserve judgement on this nomination and stated that, if the Committee were to take a decision now, his delegation would oppose the inscription and call for a vote to register its position.

31. Many delegates expressed their support for the nomination and unanimously insisted on the exceptional value and unique religious and cultural significance of the Old City of Jerusalem. They recalled that the Old City of Jerusalem must be safeguarded in its entirety as a coherent whole and that the threats to any one of the elements of which it is composed endanger the property as such, as well as its authenticity and its specific character. Finally they considered that the situation of this property corresponds to the criteria mentioned in the ICOMOS note and, in particular, to criteria (e) (significant loss of historical authenticity) and (f) (important loss of cultural significance) as far as "ascertained danger" is concerned, and to criteria (a) (modification of juridical status of the property diminishing the degree of its protection), (b) (lack of conservation policy) and (d) (threatening effects of town planning) as far as "potential danger" is concerned.

32. Finally the delegate of Jordan called the attention of the Committee to the serious and specific dangers which threaten the "Old City of Jerusalem". He specifically pointed out the destruction of religious properties, threats of destruction due to urban development plans, deterioration of monuments due to lack of maintenance and responsible management, as well as of the disastrous impact of tourism on the protection of the monuments. Consequently, he urged the Committee to protect the Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls by inscribing the property on the List of World Heritage in Danger.

33. After discussion, the Committee decided, by 14 votes for, 1 against and 5 abstentions, to inscribe the "Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls" on the List of World Heritage in Danger. One State Member of the Committee was absent when the vote was taken.

34. In explaining the reasons for his abstention which were legal in nature, the delegate of Switzerland recalled the statement made by his delegation when the Committee decided to enter the Old City of Jerusalem on the World Heritage List, regarding the special status of Jerusalem (corpus separatum according to the 1947 partition plan of the United Nations). The Swiss Government considers that the City of Jerusalem is situated neither on Jordanian nor on Israeli territory. His delegation would furthermore have wished to have more complete information on the present state of Jerusalem and he considered it regrettable that the Committee had not been able to obtain a recent expert evaluation.

35. The delegates of Argentina, Nepal and Zaire also explained their vote. These delegations had supported the proposal made by Jordan to inscribe the Old City of Jerusalem on the List of World Heritage in Danger in view of the outstanding cultural and historical significance of this site. They underlined, however, that inscription on the list had no political implications and should in no way be regarded as a means for registering political or sovereignty claims by any State.

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6 COM XI.36 Statement of accounts of the World Heritage Fund The Committee was informed by the Rapporteur that a working group met on 14 December 1982 at Unesco Headquarters in order to consider the different budget lines of the draft budget for 1983 and to provide the Committee with recommendations concerning the technical co-operation requests received as well as the budgetary provisions for the various activities to be undertaken to implement the Convention. Representatives of the following States Members were present at this working group : Australia, Bulgaria, Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, Jordan and Pakistan. Mr. A. Beschaouch, the Rapporteur of the Committee, was Chairman. Representatives of ICOMOS and ICCROM, as well as Mr. Batisse, the representative of the Director-General, and members of the Secretariat were also present.

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6 COM XI.37 Statement of accounts of the World Heritage Fund The recommendations of the working group were presented to the Committee in the form of a draft budget.

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6 COM XI.38 Budget for 1983 On the recommendations of the working group, the Committee adopted the following budget for the period 1 January - 31 December 1983 :

 I.  Preparatory assistance and regional studies      100 000

 Technical co-operation

  • "large" requests : 596 000
  • "small" requests : 149 000
      745 000
 III.  Training    500 000
 IV.  Emergency assistance   220 000
 V.  Promotional activities and information   150 000

 Advisory services

  • ICOMOS : 65 000
  • IUCN : 35 000
      100 000
 VII.  Temporary assistance to the Secretariat   120 000
    1 935 000
   3% contigencies       58 050
   TOTAL   1 993 050
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6 COM XI.39 Budget for 1983 As far as temporary assistance to the Secretariat is concerned, some delegates considered that the Secretariat of the Convention should be financed from the regular budget of Unesco, as had been repeatedly stated at previous sessions of the Committee. In responding to these remarks, the representative of the Director- General reminded the Committee that, if the Secretariat of the Convention was in fact placed under the responsibility of Unesco according to Article 14, the management of the World Heritage Fund foreseen in Part IV should, according to Article 15.2, be carried out in conformity with the provisions of the financial regulations of Unesco which govern trust funds. In this respect, the practice is to take a sum totalling 14 % of these funds for general management costs. In the case of the Convention, the funds for assistance to the Secretariat to cover management costs which have thus far been requested are considerably less than those which the Organization could legitimately claim.

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6 COM XI.40 Budget for 1983 The Committee approved the interim statement of accounts of the Fund for the three-year financial period 1981-1983 as set out in document CLT-82/CONF.015/4. The Committee noted that as of 31 October 1982, the surplus in the Fund amounted to US $ 2,372,715.

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6 COM XII.41 Technical co-operation requests On the basis of the recommendations of the working group, the Committee approved the following technical co-operation requests:

  • Bulgaria - Boyana, Ivanovo and Madara Rider (request 42-43-45.1): $48,000
  • Haiti - Citadel Henry, National History Park (request 180.1): $57,200
  • Honduras - Maya site of Copan (request 129.1): $24,050
  • Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan - Old City of Jerusalem (request 148.1): $100,000
  • Pakistan - Archaeological ruins of Moenjodaro (request 138.1): $34,000
  • Yugoslavia - Natural and Culturo-Historical Region of Kotor (request 125.1 rev): $50,000

Sub-total for technical co-operation requests concerning cultural properties: $313,250

  • Ethiopia - Simien National Park (request 9.1 rev): $21,000
  • Honduras - Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve (request 196.1 rev): $67,025
  • Nepal - Sagarmatha National Park (request 120.1 3 rev): $61,995
  • Panama - Darien National Park (request 159.1 rev): $55,000
  • Senegal - Niokolo-Koba National Park (request 153.1 rev): $27,031
  • Senegal - Djoudj National Park (request 25.1 rev): $29,132
  • Seychelles - Aldabra Atoll (request 185.1): $21,000

Sub-total for technical co-operation requests concerning natural properties: $282,183

TOTAL concerning cultural and natural properties: $595,433

& 25% reserve for small-scale projects: $148,858

TOTAL: $744,291

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6 COM XII.42 Technical co-operation requests The Committee approved without reservation the technical co-operation request from Senegal concerning Djoudj National Park.

It expressed its concern, however, concerning the consequences of the changes in the hydrological system on Djoudj National Park which would result from the works envisaged on the River Senegal and suggested that the authorities of Senegal request the inscription of this site on the List of World Heritage in Danger.

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6 COM XIII.43 Training The Chairman reported that the Bureau had recommended that priority in training activities should be given to group training at the local and regional levels and that the training of individual persons should be essentially limited to short-term refresher courses. The Rapporteur presented the requests for such training activities that had been submitted by States Parties as part of technical co-operation projects and recalled that these would be funded under the budget line for training which had just been adopted by the Committee, amounting to US$ 500,000.

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6 COM XIII.44 Training The Committee approved the following requests for training:

  • Honduras - Maya Site of Copan: $28,950
  • Pakistan - Archaeological ruins of Moenjodaro: $20,000

Sub-total for training requests in the field of cultural heritage conservation: $48,950

  • Honduras - Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve: $,4975
  • Tanzania - College of African Wildlife Management (Regional training centre): $45,000

Sub-total for training requests in the field of natural heritage conservation: $49,975

TOTAL of requests in the fields of cultural and natural heritage conservation: $94,925

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6 COM XIV.45 Form in which the World Heritage List is to be published The Committee took note of the recommendation of the Bureau which had proposed that the States having nominated the pro- perties inscribed on the World Heritage List should be presented in the published list under the following heading "Contracting State Having Submitted the Nomination of the Property in accordance with Article 11 of the Convention".

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6 COM XIV.46 Form in which the World Heritage List is to be published After examining this question the Committee decided that no reference should be made in the heading to any specific article of the Convention and that the heading should therefore read as follows "Contracting State Having Submitted the Nomination of the Property in accordance with the Convention".

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6 COM XV.47-48 Protection and management of properties inscribed on the World Heritage List and reports on their condition 47. This item on the agenda gave rise to a lengthy discussion with several participants referring to the desirability of the Committee receiving regular reports from States Parties on World Heritage sites. In particular, it was considered that it would be useful if the Committee could be regularly informed

(a) on the state of conservation of the properties;

(b) on the measures taken to protect and to manage the properties;

(c) on the way in which funds allocated under the World Heritage Fund for the safeguarding of sites are used, as well as details on the conservation methods and techniques followed in the projects concerned.

It would also be desirable if the Committee could be informed of action taken by States Parties with respect to the different recommendations formulated by the Committee regarding the preservation of properties at the time of their inscription on the World Heritage List or on the List of World Heritage in Danger.

48. It was felt, however, that the question of reporting by States Parties required careful study before the Committee could take any decision on this matter, although the principle of yearly reporting was considered to be highly desirable. The Committee therefore requested IUCN and ICOMOS, in collaboration with ICCROM, to prepare for the next meeting of the Bureau proposals on the contents of the reports which may be requested from States Parties on World Heritage sites and on the procedure to be followed for the preparation and submission to the Committee of such reports. In this connection, the organizations should take account of the different types of cultural and natural properties in the various regions of the world.

The Committee furthermore expressed an interest in the establishment of guidelines for the protection and management of properties inscribed on the World Heritage List.

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6 COM XVI.49-51 Public Information activities 49. The Committee examined the report by the Secretariat on the state of implementation of the public information activities which the Committee at its fifth session had requested the Secretariat to undertake (document CLT-82/CONF.015/6) and it expressed its satisfaction thereon. It furthermore approved the proposals made by the Secretariat for future promotion and information activities, in particular the publication of a special issue devoted to the World Heritage of the magazine "Ambio" (published by the Swedish Royal Academy of Science) and of the periodical "Monumentum" (published by ICOMOS), as well as the preparation of a poster for the information of the public. The Committee considered it desirable that the manuscripts of the booRs for children be submitted to the States concerned, to the extent that the arrangements already concluded with the publishing house "Etudes vivantes" allow this to be done.

50. The Rapporteur drew the attention of the observer from ALECSO to the desirability of producing in Arabic a series of books on World Heritage sites. These would be complementary to the publications which have already appeared or are planned in English, French and Spanish on World Heritage sites.

51. The representative of the Director-General underlined the importance of a sustained effort of high-level promotion for the future of the Convention and he indicated that a detailed plan of action concerning both public information and promotion in general would be submitted to the Bureau at its next session.

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6 COM XVII.52 Report of the 22nd session of the Bureau of the General Conference The Committee took note of the draft report prepared for the period September 1980 to November 1982, given in document CLT-82/CONF.015/7. It agreed to the suggestion of the Secretariat that the report would be completed with information on the implementation of the Committee's decisions adopted at its sixth session and be submitted to the Bureau at its next meeting for approval and submission to the next General Conference. The Committee decided that a reference shall be added to the report which stresses the need for adequate staff resources particularly in view of the increasing number of properties on the World Heritage List.

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6 COM XVIII.53-59 Other business 53. The Committee took note of recommendation No. 16 concerning the World Heritage Convention which was adapted by the World National Parks Congress (Bali, 11-22 October 1982). It approved the suggestion made to Unesco to launch international campaigns for the protection of the natural heritage which would be similar to those which are currently under way for the preservation of the cultural heritage.

54. The Committee took note of recommendation No. 45 adopted by the World Conference on Cultural Policies (Mexico City, 26 July - 6 August 1982) in which the Conference "expresses the hope that the World Heritage Committee will take the initiative of including the Mediterranean in the World Cultural and Natural Heritage List".

55. Following a proposal made by IUCN, the Committee commended and encouraged efforts under way in the United States of America to develop improved water release and delivery plans affecting Everglades National Park, a world heritage site, which will more closely approximate natural, cyclic conditions. These efforts will further assure continued integrity of the site as well as long-term recovery for this world-famous ecosystem.

56. The representative of ICOMOS presented to the Committee the study undertaken by ICOMOS on the heritage of the Jesuit missions in North and South America. The Committee noted that some of these missions would be nominated jointly to the World Heritage List by Argentina and Brazil. Another joint nomination to be made by these two States concerned Iguazu National Park.

57. As concerns the meeting place for its next session, the Committee noted with gratitude the intention expressed by the delegate of Italy of inviting the Committee to hold its next meeting in Italy. The delegate of Cyprus informed the Committee that the authorities of his country have the intention of inviting the Committee to hold one of its future sessions in Cyprus and that they were considering inviting the Committee in 1985, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Antiquities Department. The delegate of Bulgaria stated that her Government would also like to host one of the future sessions of the Committee. The Rapporteur also referred to the wish of the Tunisian authorities to invite the Committee to hold one of its meetings in Tunisia; however, since the term of office of Tunisia on the Committee was due to expire at the end of the 22nd session of the Unesco General Conference to be held in October/November 1983, the Tunisian authorities could not issue an invitation at this stage.

58. The delegate of Guinea, speaking on behalf of the members of the Committee, expressed his appreciation for the admirable way in which Professor Slatyer, due to his wisdom, tranquil force and perfect knowledge of the problems of nature conservation, had chaired the sixth session of the Committee. The delegate also paid tribute to the enthusiasm and dynamism of Mr. Beschaouch, the Rapporteur of the Committee.

59. Following an expression of thanks to all those who had contributed to the smooth running of the meeting, the Vice- Chairman from Bulgaria, acting as Chairman, declared the meeting closed.

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